0.003 2023-11-15
  [Requirement Changes]
    * Require SPVM::Thread 0.001.
  [Incompatible Changes]
    * Go->goshced, Go->gosched_io_write, Go->gosched_io_read, Go->sleep methods must be called from the main thread. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
  [Test Improvement]
    * Add thread-safe tests of Go::WaitGroup.
0.002 2023-11-14
  [Requirement Changes]
    * Require SPVM 0.989061.
    * Require SPVM::Sys 0.495001.
  [Incompatible Changes]
    * The return types of Go->goshced and Go->sleep become void.
  [New Features]
    * Add the gosched_io_read and gosched_io_write methods are added to the Go class.
0.001 2023-11-08
    * First release.