0.05 2022-08-04
  [New Features]
    * Add the optional argument to MIME::Base64->encode_base64
      static method encode_base64 : string ($str : string)
      static method encode_base64 : string ($str : string, $eol = undef : string)
    * Add the optional argument to MIME::Base64->encoded_base64_length
      static method encoded_base64_length : int ($str : string)
      static method encoded_base64_length : int ($str : string, $eol = undef : string)

    * Add the optional argument to QuotedPrint->encode_qp
      static method encode_qp : string ($str : string)
      static method encode_qp : string ($str : string, $eol = undef : string, $binmode = 0 : int)
  [Pre Requirement Changes]
    * SPVM 0.9634_01+ is needed.
  [Incompatible Changes]
    * The following methods are removed.
      MIME::Base64->encode_base64_opt is removed. Use MIME::Base64->encode_base64 instead.
      MIME::Base64->encoded_base64_length_opt is removed. Use MIME::Base64->encoded_base64_length instead.
      QuotedPrint->encode_qp_opt is removed. Use QuotedPrint->encode_qp instead.
0.04 2022-07-04
  * Imrpve document
  * Add MIME::QuotedPrint class
  * Need SPVM 0.9616.
  * Implement the following methods to MIME::Base64
    static method encode_base64_opt : string ($str : string, $eol : string)
    static method encode_base64 : string ($str : string)
    static method decode_base64 : string ($str : string)
    static method encoded_base64_length_opt : int ($str : string, $eol : string)
    static method encoded_base64_length : int ($str : string)
    static method decoded_base64_length : int ($str : string)
  * Implement the following methods to MIME::QuotedPrint
    static method encode_qp_opt : string ($str : string, $eol : string, $binmode : int)
    static method encode_qp : string ($str : string)
    static method decode_qp : string ($str : string)

0.03 2022-06-21

  * Catch up with SPVM 0.9610.

0.02 2022-06-13

  * Catch up with latest SPVM.
0.01 2022-05-10

  * First development release