1.003 2025-01-28
[Requirement Changes]
* Require SPVM 0.990042.
[Test Improvement]
* Call Fn#destroy_runtime_permanent_vars method in the end of tests.
1.002 2025-01-14
[Internal Changes]
* Update .gitignore and MANIFEST.SKIP.
* Add version_from MIME::Base64 to MIME::QuotedPrint.
* Link stdc++ explictly.
[Requirment Changes]
* Require SPVM 0.990038.
1.001003 2023-10-02
[Exception Message Changes]
* Improve English of exception messages.
[Document Changes]
* Improve the formats of documents.
1.001002 2023-05-29
[Prerequirement Changes]
* SPVM 0.986+ is required.
1.001001 2023-04-26
[Prerequirement Changes]
* SPVM 0.973+ is required.
1.001 2023-04-26
[New Features]
* The version string of the MIME::Base64 can be got.
[Prequirement Changes]
* SPVM 0.971006+ is required.
[Exception Messages Improvement]
* Exception messages are improved.
[Document Imrpovement]
* Added "Exceptions:" section to the doc of each method.
0.07 2023-04-06
[Document Improvement]
* The document is imporved.
[License Change]
* The license is changed to MIT License.
[Fixed Test Bug]
* Fixed the test bugs that t/SPVM-MIME-Base64.t and t/SPVM-MIME-QuotedPrint.t failed.
[Prerequirement Change]
* SPVM 0.9701 is required.
0.06 2023-02-08
[Prerequirement Changes]
* SPVM 0.9691+ is needed.
0.05 2022-08-04
[New Features]
* Add the optional argument to MIME::Base64->encode_base64
static method encode_base64 : string ($str : string)
static method encode_base64 : string ($str : string, $eol = undef : string)
* Add the optional argument to MIME::Base64->encoded_base64_length
static method encoded_base64_length : int ($str : string)
static method encoded_base64_length : int ($str : string, $eol = undef : string)
* Add the optional argument to QuotedPrint->encode_qp
static method encode_qp : string ($str : string)
static method encode_qp : string ($str : string, $eol = undef : string, $binmode = 0 : int)
[Pre Requirement Changes]
* SPVM 0.9634_01+ is needed.
[Incompatible Changes]
* The following methods are removed.
MIME::Base64->encode_base64_opt is removed. Use MIME::Base64->encode_base64 instead.
MIME::Base64->encoded_base64_length_opt is removed. Use MIME::Base64->encoded_base64_length instead.
QuotedPrint->encode_qp_opt is removed. Use QuotedPrint->encode_qp instead.
0.04 2022-07-04
* Imrpve document
* Add MIME::QuotedPrint class
* Need SPVM 0.9616.
* Implement the following methods to MIME::Base64
static method encode_base64_opt : string ($str : string, $eol : string)
static method encode_base64 : string ($str : string)
static method decode_base64 : string ($str : string)
static method encoded_base64_length_opt : int ($str : string, $eol : string)
static method encoded_base64_length : int ($str : string)
static method decoded_base64_length : int ($str : string)
* Implement the following methods to MIME::QuotedPrint
static method encode_qp_opt : string ($str : string, $eol : string, $binmode : int)
static method encode_qp : string ($str : string)
static method decode_qp : string ($str : string)
0.03 2022-06-21
* Catch up with SPVM 0.9610.
0.02 2022-06-13
* Catch up with latest SPVM.
0.01 2022-05-10
* First development release