0.007 2024-11-07
[Document Improvement]
* Add docs for Net::SSLeay::X509 class.
* Add docs for Net::SSLeay::X509_CRL class.
* Add docs for Net::SSLeay::X509_VERIFY_PARAM class.
* Add docs for Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE_CTX class.
* Add docs for Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE class.
* Add docs for Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX class.
[Incompatible Changes]
* Fix the return type of Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX#set_verify method.
method set_verify : int ($mode : int);
method set_verify : void ($mode : int);
* Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX does not throw system errors.
* Remove Net::SSLeay#error field.
[New Features]
* Add Net::SSLeay::ERR#get_error method.
* Add Net::SSLeay::ERR#peek_error method.
* Add Net::SSLeay::ERR#peek_last_error method.
* Use ERR_peak_last_error instead of ERR_get_error not to change SSL error queue.
0.006 2024-11-05
[Requirement Changes]
* Require SPVM 0.990028.
[Internal Changes]
* Add private Net::SSLeay::X509_CRL#new_with_pointer method.
* Add private Net::SSLeay::X509#new_with_pointer method.
* Add private Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE#new_with_pointer method.
* Add private Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE#new_with_pointer method.
* Use more constructors.
* Rename Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE#certs field to certs_list.
* Rename Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE#crls field to crls_list.
[Bug Fix]
* Fix a bug that Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX#add_cert method's memory bug.
* Fix a bug that Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX#add_crl method's memory bug.
* Fix a bug that the return value of Net::SSLeay::ERR#error_string is not shortened before \0.
[Document Improvement]
* Improve docs for Net::SSLeay::BIO class.
* Improve docs for Net::SSLeay class.
* Add docs for SPVM::Net::SSLeay::ConfigBuilder.
* Improve docs for Net::SSLeay::Constant.
* Add docs for Net::SSLeay::PEM.
* Add docs for Net::SSLeay::SSL_METHOD.
0.005 2024-11-02
[Requirement Changes]
* Require SPVM 0.990026.
[Bug Fix]
* Fix a bug that X509 object is not freed.
* Fix a bug that X509_CRL object is not freed.
* Fix a bug that X509_VERIFY_PARAM object is not freed.
* Fix a bug that X509_STORE_CTX object is not freed.
* Fix a bug that X509_STORE object is not freed.
[Internal Changes]
* Add Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE#certs field.
* Add Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE#crls field.
[Internal Changes]
* Add Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE#certs field.
* Add Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE#crls field.
* Add Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX#init method.
0.004 2024-10-31
[New Features]
* Add Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE#set_flags method.
* Add Net::SSLeay::X509_CRL class.
* Add Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE_CTX class.
* Add Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE#add_crl method.
* Add Net::SSLeay::PEM#read_bio_X509_CRL method.
0.003 2024-10-30
[New Features]
* Add Net::SSLeay::SSL_METHOD#SSLv23_method method.
* Add Net::SSLeay::SSL_METHOD#TLS_method method.
0.002 2024-10-30
[New Features]
* Add Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX#set_options
* Add Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX#get_options
* Add Net::SSLeay::SSL_CTX#clear_options
* Add SPVM::Net::SSLeay::ConfigBuilder class to detect OpenSSL/LibreSSL include and lib directory.
0.001 2023-08-19
* First release.