package SPVM::Sys::Signal; 1; =head1 Name SPVM::Sys::Signal - Signals =head1 Description Sys::Signal class in L<SPVM> has methods to manipulate signals. =head1 Usage use Sys::Signal; use Sys::Signal::Constant as SIGNAL; Sys::Signal->kill($process_id, SIGNAL->SIGINT); Sys::Signal->signal(SIGNAL->SIGTERM, Sys::Signal->SIG_IGN); =head1 Class Methods =head2 raise C<static method raise : int ($sig : int)> Calls the L<raise|> function and returns its return value. See L<Sys::Signal::Constant|SPVM::Sys::Signal::Constant> about constant values given to $sig. Exceptions: If the raise function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class. =head2 kill C<static method kill : int ($pid : int, $sig : int)> Calls the L<kill|> function and returns its return value. See L<Sys::Signal::Constant|SPVM::Sys::Signal::Constant> about constant values given to $sig. Exceptions: If the kill function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class. In Windows the following excetpion is thrown. kill is not supported in this system(defined(_WIN32)). =head2 alarm C<static method alarm : int ($seconds : int)> Calls the L<alarm|> function and returns its return value. Exceptions: If the alarm function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class. In Windows the following excetpion is thrown. alarm is not supported in this system(defined(_WIN32)). =head2 ualarm C<static method ualarm : int ($usecs : int, $interval : int)> Calls the L<ualarm|> function and returns its return value. Exceptions: In Windows the following excetpion is thrown. ualarm is not supported in this system(defined(_WIN32)). =head2 signal C<static method signal : L<Sys::Signal::Handler|SPVM::Sys::Signal::Handler> ($signum : int, $handler : L<Sys::Signal::Handler|SPVM::Sys::Signal::Handler>);> Calls L<signal|> function and creates a signal handler object with its pointer set to the function's return value, and returns it. $handler can be L</"SIG_DFL"> and L</"SIG_IGN">. See L<Sys::Signal::Constant|SPVM::Sys::Signal::Constant> about constant values given to $sig. Exceptions: $handler must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown. If the signal function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class. =head2 SIG_DFL C<static method SIG_DFL : L<Sys::Signal::Handler|SPVM::Sys::Signal::Handler> ();> Creates a new signal handler that represents C<SIG_DFL>. =head2 SIG_IGN C<static method SIG_IGN : L<Sys::Signal::Handler|SPVM::Sys::Signal::Handler> ();> Creates a new signal handler that represents C<SIG_IGN>. =head2 SIG_GO C<static method SIG_GO : L<Sys::Signal::Handler|SPVM::Sys::Signal::Handler> ();> Creates a new signal handler that represents the signal handler for L<Go::OS::Signal|SPVM::Go::OS::Signal>. Do not use this signal handler because this signal handler is prepared to implement the L<Go::OS::Signal|SPVM::Go::OS::Signal> class. =head2 SET_SIG_GO_WRITE_FD C<static method SET_SIG_GO_WRITE_FD : void ($fd : int);> Set a write file descriptor for L<Go::OS::Signal|SPVM::Go::OS::Signal>. Do not use this method because this method is prepared to implement the L<Go::OS::Signal|SPVM::Go::OS::Signal> class. =head1 See Also =over 2 L<Go::OS::Signal|SPVM::Go::OS::Signal> =back =head1 Copyright & License Copyright (c) 2023 Yuki Kimoto MIT License