0.09 2023-03-19
[Internal Compatible Changes]
* Use pointer instead of pointer_t
0.08 2023-02-08
[Prerequirement Changes]
* SPVM 0.9691+ is needed.
0.07 2023-02-07
[Distribution Bug Fix]
* Don't index cpanm by removing cpanm file.
[Test Improvement]
* Updated Github Action workflows
[Document Improvement]
* Removed CAUTION section.
* Improved document styles.
[Prerequiement Changes]
* SPVM 0.9689+ is needed.
0.06 2022-06-28
* Update documents
0.05 2022-06-23
* Fix test bugs.
0.04 2022-06-22
* [Revert 0.03]Time::Loca->timegm and Time::Loca->timelocal call Time->timegm and Time->timelocal
* Catch up with SPVM 0.9610.
0.03 2022-06-21
* Time::Loca->timegm and Time::Loca->timelocal call Time->timegm and Time->timelocal
0.02 2022-06-16
* Improve doc.
0.01 2022-06-16
* First development release.