experimental version release
add import option 'new'
add method. 'new_self_and_accessor'
add method. 'and_super'
1. read_only throw Simo::Error
2. document update
1. update Document
2. use 5.008_001
1. use Simo::Error;
Build.PL requires => { 'Pod::Simple' => 3.07 }
Version 0.0805
1. add Build.PL build_requires Test::Pod => 1.26
Version 0.0804
1. add Build.PL requires => Storable
2. add =encoding utf-8 to Simo::Manual::Japanese
Version 0.0803
1. bag fix default is deep copy.
Version 0.0802
1. Document is updated.
2. get_attrs, get_attrs_as_hash, set_attrs, run_methods is not recommended.
Version 0.0801
Version 0.08 first release
Version 0.07_05
1. add REQUIRED_ATTRS method.
Version 0.07_04
1. mixin inherit order move last.
Version 0.07_03
1. fix constrain error message bag.
Version 0.07_02
1. constrain error message is easy to understand.
Version 0.07_01
1. add import opiton 'base' and 'mixin'.
2. add run_methods method.
Version 0.0601
1. new version release.
Version 0.05_08
1. add method. get_attrs, get_attrs_as_hash, set_attrs
Version 0.05_07
1. craok read_only acseccor when value is set.
Version 0.05_06
1. refactoring. package variable $ac_opt change rexical variable.
Version 0.05_05
1. read_only method should be 'get_'. If not, warnings is happen.
Version 0.05_04
1. add read_only option
Version 0.05_03
1. refactoring. constrain, filter, trigger accessor.
Version 0.05_02
1. refactoring. ac funciton is simplified.
Version 0.05_01
1. I write accessor by using meta programing.
Version 0.04_02
1. warn in case constrain, filter, trigger options order is invalid
Version 0.04_01
1. document is writed at new version.
Version 0.03_06
1. fix bag undef value cannot be set.
Version 0.03_05
1. document update
2. new method illegal key setting error message change
Version 0.03_04
1. confess convert to croak because confess is bad looking.
Version 0.03_03
the following
1. auto confess for constrain option
2. constrain, filter, and trigger option confess unless it isn't code ref
Version 0.03_02
DESTROY method is deleted.
_SIMO_ac_opt method is deleted.
Version 0.03_01
developer version
add new method
1. constrain
2. fillter
3. trigger
Version 0.0206
referctaring Simo::ac_opt Simo::ac_define_class
and default value logic
Version 0.0205
I'm sorry. accessor listcontext is Disable. only scalar context.
Version 0.0204
Version of Document is collected.
Version 0.0203
I change Makefile.PL so that you can install without make.
Version 0.0202
I change module builder to Module::Build so that you can install without make.
Version 0.0201
I don't pack test file in package. so I pack test file in package.
Version 0.02
new method can receive hash ref.
Version 0.01_05
Remove hook accessor option.
Add set_hook accessor option and get_hook accessor option.
Fix sub _SIMO_ac_opt
$Simo::info{ class }{ $class }{ ac }{ opt } = $opt;
$Simo::info{ class }{ $class }{ ac }{ $key }{ opt } = $opt;
Version 0.01_04
fix to be right inherit order
unshift @{ "${caller_class}::ISA" }, __PACKAGE__;
push @{ "${caller_class}::ISA" }, __PACKAGE__;
Version 0.01_03
qq/sub ${ac_define_class}::${key}/ . qw/{ _SIMO_ac_real( '$key' , \@_ ) }/;
qq/sub ${ac_define_class}::${key} { _SIMO_ac_real( '$key' , \@_ ) }/;
Version 0.01_02
fix this failed test.
FAIL Simo-0.01 i386-netbsd-thread-multi-64int 4.0
Version 0.01_01
first developer release