Revision history for Perl CPAN module Lingua::EN::AddressParse

1.05 24 Sep 2001
    Added more street types
    Removed duplicated declaration for main.t

1.04 31 Aug 2001
    Allowed for streets with numbers or single letters (42nd, A, B...)
    Allowed for ZIP codes of type 12345-6789
    Thanks to Mike Edwards for noting these limitations

    Added 'Park'to street types, while accounting for cases like
    'Park Lane, 'Moore Park Road' etc.

    Added extra test case
    Added street prefixes (like Old, East) back in to simplify grammar

1.03 24 May 2001
    Allowed for forced abbreviations of sub country
    Removed POD directives from README

1.02 24 Apr 2001:
    Placed "my" declaration of loop variables inside foreach statements.

    Full names for sub countries now supported (New South Wales as well as NSW)
    Used look aheads to simplify grammar (thanks to Damian Conway for his help)
    Removed street prefixes from grammar as they were not needed
    Returned street type (Road, Lane etc) as a sperate element from street
    Made property identifiers optional for suburban addresses (Low St. Kew VIC 3012 is OK)
    Initialised values for all components and properties to empty string
    Stopped warnings generated by uninitialized strings in grammar
    Only allow country names that match initializing country string
    Removed space that was occuring between PO Box and following number
    Added cases to test file main.t
    Fixed all POD and line terminator errors, thanks to Jason Gallagher

1.01  9 Apr 2001:
    Fixed "use Locale::SubCountry" call in AddressGrammar

1.00 18 Mar 2001:
    Upgraded to work with changes to Locale::SubCountry, specifically,
    US rather than USA being the valid code for initializing US addresses

    Moved grammar definition to module

0.03 14 May 2000:
    Added Canadian post codes, thanks to Steve Taylor
    Replaced commas with spaces, rather than removing them
    Removed @EXPORT and @EXPORT_OK as they were not needed

0.02 30 Apr 2000: Used Locale::Subcountry for list of states, counties etc
    Added more UK post code types, thanks to Mark Summerfield

0.01 28 Dec 1999:
    First Release