Revision history for Perl CPAN module Lingua::EN::AddressParse
1.22 21 Jan 2015
fold all text to upper case prior to parsing, regexp matching is faster if case insensitive
use extended regexp (/x) for better readability
added many more valid street combinations
allowed for prefix before ordinal street, such as "Bay 24th Street"
folded 'The Avenue' type of street back into main street grammar, removed street_noun grammar
NOTE: component 'street' changed to 'street_name' for clarity
added street_direction_prefix component
added base_street_name component (street name less direction prefix)
auto_clean option now removes full stops, so P.O. Box 12 => PO Box 12, grammar no longer accepts full stops
1.21 14 Oct 2014
allowed for more untyped streets such as 'Avenue C', 'State Route 19'
more transformations added to the _clean function
added more street types
removed indirect object notation for 'new' method
validate 'country' parameter passed in as an argument to the new method
1.20 22 Jul 2014
added person's street name such as 'Dr Martin Luther King Jr'
new component added, po_box_type to describe type of post box,
so 'PO BOX 123 Newtown Private Boxes WA 6865' will return
suburb of Newtown and po_box_type of Private Boxes
fixed incorrect error descriptions on parsing error
added more sub property identifiers
added more street types
detect missing mandatory country parameter in arguments to 'new' method
auto_clean now removes full stops (as in P.O. Box, Rd. etc), simplifies grammar
1.19 7 Jul 2014
auto_clean always cleans string, not just on parsing error
during auto_clean, spaces now removed in sub property identifer, such as 1 A Main St -> 1A Main St
fixed floor description in sub property identifier
added street name such as 'John F Kennedy Boulevard'
post codes can now be optional with the force_post_code argument
added more 3 word street names
added more street types
many more auto_clean functions for redundant, missing or malformed characters
stopped single letter streets returning 'no vowel sound' error
added more tests
1.18 19 Sep 2013
Fixed test for US suburban address in main.t
1.17 18 Sep 2013
Added Build.PL
Expanded test coverage to more address formats
Expanded auto_clean functions
Corrected casing of letters in sub property identifiers, such as Unit 23B (retain B as capital)
Allowed for government roads, such as 12 US Highway 19
Allowed for single word streets such as Broadway, no street type
Allowed for more 3 word street types
Added more ordinal street types
Allowed post box numbers to be up to 6 digits
Added more street types
Added more sub property types, unified sub_property grammar
Added more street names
Improved report method
Keep street direction in all capitals when casing components
_validate now checks for PO box format
1.16 20 Jan 2011
Moved to Lingua::EN::AddressParse::Grammar name space
Included tests for Canadian and UK addresses
1.15 17 Jun 2007
Added sample pre parser for correcting common errors
Added more street types
Added more street nouns
Added more sub property types
Allowed for optional street number, name and type in rural addresses
Allowed for up to 5 numbers in property identifier
Allowed for street names with up to three words, such as 'Tin Can Bay Road'
Allowed for sub building patterns such as 'Level 6 Tower A 123 Main St'
Thanks to Kieren Diment for test cases
1.14 18 Jul 2005
Fixed auto_clean option so that quotes are retained, needed for rural property names
Added report method to dump address properties and components
Updated distribution to current CPAN requirements
1.13 22 Jun 2005
Added US style sub properties, such as 123 Main St Suite # 12 Somewhere CA 92345
Added US style street directional suffix, such as 123 Main St S Somewhere CA 92345
Added new address type 'road_box'. This allows for box identifier such as RMB,
optionally street name and type, then suburb and post code.
Sub property values are now returned as as separate component sub_property_identifier,
not as part of the property_identifier component
Created a better grammar for property_identifier
Removed incorrect validity tests that were not accounting for ordinal street types
Fixed auto_clean option so that numbers are retained in ordinal street types!
Expanded and improved documentation and comments
1.12 07 Mar 2004
Removed any sub country descriptive text (in square brackets) that occurs from grammar.
This was needed because of an upgrade to the data in Locale-SubCountry
1.11 21 Mar 2002
Let user specify country argument to 'new' method as either country
code (AU) or full name (AUSTRALIA). Changed documentation to reflect
this, altered United Kingdom code from 'UK' (incorrect) to 'GB'
Fixed bug that was preventing Canadian addresses from parsing
Added a test case for each country in main.t
Improved report layout in to allow for non Australian addresses
1.10 09 Feb 2002
Allowed for cases such as "Unit 4 12 Smith St."
Improved speed by reordering sequence of street types
Added option to only accept short form of sub_country, such as NW
Thanks to Peter Schendzielorz for the following suggestions:
Allowed sub_country names to occur in suburb, such as Victoria Valley VIC
Added more street types
Added more sub property types
Added more post box types
Added 'Mt', 'Sir' and 'Dame' to street prefixes, as in Mt Baw Baw Rd
Allowed for cases like 'Grand Ridge Road'
Allowed for cases like 'Close','Glen', 'St' etc to occur in either street name or street type
Allowed for apostrophes and full stops in suburb_word, as in French's Forest
Allowed for 3 digits post codes such as 800 (in Northern Territory, Aust)
Allowed for box_number to end in a letter
Allowed property name to be delimited by single or double quotes
Accounted for street types as street names, such as 'The Corso', 'The Parkway'
1.05 24 Sep 2001
Added more street types
Removed duplicated declaration for main.t
1.04 31 Aug 2001
Allowed for streets with numbers or single letters (42nd, A, B...)
Allowed for ZIP codes of type 12345-6789
Thanks to Mike Edwards for noting these limitations
Added 'Park'to street types, while accounting for cases like
'Park Lane, 'Moore Park Road' etc.
Added extra test case
Added street prefixes (like Old, East) back in to simplify grammar
1.03 24 May 2001
Allowed for forced abbreviations of sub country
Removed POD directives from README
1.02 24 Apr 2001:
Placed "my" declaration of loop variables inside foreach statements.
Full names for sub countries now supported (New South Wales as well as NSW)
Used look aheads to simplify grammar (thanks to Damian Conway for his help)
Removed street prefixes from grammar as they were not needed
Returned street type (Road, Lane etc) as a separate element from street
Made property identifiers optional for suburban addresses (Low St. Kew VIC 3012 is OK)
Initialised values for all components and properties to empty string
Stopped warnings generated by uninitialized strings in grammar
Only allow country names that match initializing country string
Removed space that was occurring between PO Box and following number
Added more cases to test file main.t
Fixed all POD and line terminator errors, thanks to Jason Gallagher
1.01 9 Apr 2001:
Fixed "use Locale::SubCountry" call in AddressGrammar
1.00 18 Mar 2001:
Upgraded to work with changes to Locale::SubCountry, specifically,
US rather than USA being the valid code for initializing US addresses
Moved grammar definition to module
0.03 14 May 2000:
Added Canadian post codes, thanks to Steve Taylor
Replaced commas with spaces, rather than removing them
Removed @EXPORT and @EXPORT_OK as they were not needed
0.02 30 Apr 2000:
Used Locale::Subcountry for list of states, counties etc
Added more UK post code types, thanks to Mark Summerfield
0.01 28 Dec 1999:
First Release