Revision history for Perl CPAN module Locale::SubCountry

1.03 20 Aug 2000: Added many more countries, thanks to Alastair McKinstry  
                  Now account for any incorrect capitalization of sub country names
                  _clean subroutine only removes dots and spaces, dashes are now allowed
				  Added subroutine to return array of countries that have lookup data
				  Added test in main.t to convert all codes to names and back again 
				  Allowed for leading or trailing white space in __DATA__ entries

1.02 14 May 2000: Added Canadian province of Nunavut, thanks to Steve Taylor 

1.01 25 Apr 2000: To follow the approach of ISO 3166-2 
                  - renamed module from RegionAbbrev to SubCountry
                  - replaced all references to 'abbreviation' with 'code'
                  Improved up regexes in _clean, thanks to Mark Summerfield
                  Replaced regexp with hash lookup for valid countries
                  Accepted all forms of upper/lower case in country name

1.00  8 Apr 2000: First Release