## DOAP for RDF-LinkedData #################################################


Created:      2009-04-23
Bug tracker:  <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=RDF-LinkedData>
Maintainer:   Gregory Todd Williams <mailto:gwilliams@cpan.org>
Maintainer:   Kjetil Kjernsmo <mailto:kjetilk@cpan.org>

0.03 [2010-05-06] # Add page method to use foaf:page for redirects.
 - Minor cleanups.
 - (Removal) Remove boilerplate tests.
 - (Bugfix) Really does require RDF::Trine 0.122.
 - (Addition) Add a page method that uses foaf:homepage or foaf:page to
   override the default page for redirect.

0.02 [2010-05-05] # Use RDF::Trine's conneg and bounded description code.
 - (Addition) Use RDF::Trine's bounded description code.
 - Require RDF::Trine 0.121.
 - (Addition) Add some log messages.
 - (Addition) Use a HTTP::Headers object for conneg.
 - (Removal) Remove the negotiate method.
 - (Addition) Add and improve a type method that returns page or data.
 - (Addition) Use RDF::Trine's content negotiation code.

0.001_01 # Code on Github by Gregory Todd Williams.

0.01 [2010-04-29] # Initial release. Kjetil Kjernsmo refactored Gregs code to separate the web server logic from the rest.