## DOAP for RDF-LinkedData #################################################
Created: 2009-04-23
Bug tracker: <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=RDF-LinkedData>
Maintainer: Kjetil Kjernsmo <mailto:kjetilk@cpan.org>
0.20 [2011-02-08] # Improved conneg; use Test::RDF; Many small fixes.
- Consistently name the base URI base_uri.
- Content negotation much improved.
- Many minor documentation fixes.
- Many minor test and code fixes.
- Now use the RDF::Trine::Store->new method, since it now supports
checking the type itself.
- Use the new Test::RDF module for testing.
- (Update) Now requires RDF::Trine 0.133.
- (Bugfix) Gives HTML page for default Firefox Accept header.
- (Addition) Add tests for more browser Accept headers.
- (Addition) Improve documentation of configuration (thanks to Thomas
Kappler for input).
0.18 [2010-12-09] # Minor JSON syntax documentation bug fix release.
- (Bugfix) Found out the hard way that JSON doesn't allow single quotes.
0.16 [2010-12-09] # Instantiate on startup; Many small fixes.
- Many minor documentation fixes.
- Many minor test and code fixes.
- No main-namespaced variable needed for tests.
- Remove logging unless in verbose mode.
- Use a memory model for testing that loads the file directly
- (Addition) Add basic support for Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
- (Addition) Add tests for more Accept headers (TODO stuff).
- (Bugfix) Move ld instantiation to outside of the coderef for big
performance gain.
- (Addition) Use the base if the source has not set its own.
- (Addition) Support setting namespace in config.
0.14 [2010-08-26] # Use URI object.
- Minor documentation fixes.
- (Update) Fix the warning described in
- (Update) Using URI objects throughout makes more intensive use of
absolute URIs.
0.12 [2010-08-24] # Support base URI.
- (Addition) Support base URI in serializations for RDF::Trine 0.127_02.
- (Addition) Use Module::Install::AuthorTests.
0.10 [2010-08-19] # Better tested release.
- (Addition) Add TODO test to check whether Firefox' default Accept header
returns data.
0.09_1 [2010-08-18] # Refactor helper modules; .
- Move POD-tests to xt.
- (Bugfix) Remove -T switch from load.t, since it borks on some systems.
- (Addition) Add namespaces method to set a hashref with RDF namespaces.
- (Addition) create a helper_properties method to pass the properties.
- (Update) Split off RDF::LinkedData::Predicates into distribution of its
0.08 [2010-08-02] # Update to use config hashrefs and various fixes for recent RDF::Trine.
- Now use a hashref config for new_with_config instead of config string.
- (Update) Require RDF::Trine 0.125.
- (Update) Explicitly ask for text/html in tests since RDF::Trine 0.124
needs it.
- (Update) No Accept header will return turtle data.
0.06 [2010-06-13] # Minor POD syntax documentation bug fix release.
- (Addition) Add number of PSGI tests.
- (Bugfix) Fix minor POD bugs.
0.05 [2010-06-13] # Major refactor, use Moose and Plack.
- Many smaller changes.
- (Addition) Use Plack::Response and HTTP::Headers in the role itself.
- (Addition) More tests, also unit testing.
- (Removal) Remove Mojolicious::Lite script.
- (Addition) Use Config::JFDI for configuration.
- (Addition) Create a RDF::LinkedData::Predicates with a title,
description and page methods.
- (Addition) A response method contains most of the logic.
- (Addition) Create RDF::LinkedData::ProviderRole, a Moose::Role with a
default implementation.
- (Addition) use Moose
- (Addition) More documentation.
- (Addition) Create a Plack PSGI script to run the server. This also
serves as a basic usage example.
0.03 [2010-05-06] # Add page method to use foaf:page for redirects.
- Minor cleanups.
- (Addition) Add a page method that uses foaf:homepage or foaf:page to
override the default page for redirect.
- (Bugfix) Really does require RDF::Trine 0.122.
- (Removal) Remove boilerplate tests.
0.02 [2010-05-05] # Use RDF::Trine's conneg and bounded description code.
- Require RDF::Trine 0.121.
- (Addition) Use RDF::Trine's content negotiation code.
- (Addition) Use RDF::Trine's bounded description code.
- (Addition) Add and improve a type method that returns page or data.
- (Removal) Remove the negotiate method.
- (Addition) Add some log messages.
- (Addition) Use a HTTP::Headers object for conneg.
0.001_01 # Code on Github by Gregory Todd Williams.
0.01 [2010-04-29] # Initial release. Kjetil Kjernsmo refactored Gregs code to separate the web server logic from the rest.