## DOAP for RDF-RDFa-Template ##############################################
Created: 2009-01-13
Home page: <http://www.kjetil.kjernsmo.net/software/rat/>
Bug tracker: <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=RDF-RDFa-Template>
Maintainer: Kjetil Kjernsmo <mailto:kjetilk@cpan.org>
0.02 [2010-04-05] # Fixing packaging and update to latest parser
- (Addition) Add HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI requirement for now.
- (Addition) Add Test::Perl::Critic.
- (Removal) Remove auto_install
- Remove named_graphs since it is deprecated by RDF::RDFa::Parser 1.0.
- (Bugfix) Minor Perl::Critic stuff.
- (Addition) Depend upon RDF::RDFa::Parser 1.0.
- (Bugfix) Forgot 'tests' om external test plan.
0.01 [2010-04-04]