## DOAP for Test-RDF #######################################################
Created: 2010-09-03
Bug tracker: <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Test-RDF>
Maintainer: Kjetil Kjernsmo <mailto:kjetilk@cpan.org>
0.20 [2010-12-18] # Add functions for testing resources and literals.
- Check Redland error messages in addition to Turtle.
- (Addition) has_object_uri function to test if a URI is present as
- (Addition) has_subject function to test if a URI is present as subject.
- (Addition) has_literal function to test if a literal is present.
- (Addition) has_predicate function to test if a URI is present as
- (Addition) has_uri function to test if a URI is present at all in the
0.11 [2010-11-08] # Fix tainting problem.
- Fix the tainting problem many cpantesters have.
- Small cosmetic changes.
- Got authorized!.
0.10 [2010-11-06] # Complete rewrite.
- Backwards incompatible with previous releases.
- A complete rewrite from scratch using RDF::Trine.
0.0.3 [2006-13-04] # Michael Hendricks old release based on RDF::Redland.