
Created:      2010-09-03
Home page:    <https://metacpan.org/module/Test::RDF>
Bug tracker:  <https://github.com/kjetilk/Test-RDF/issues>
Maintainer:   Kjetil Kjernsmo <kjetilk@cpan.org>

1.21_01	2017-08-31	Add has_type function.

 - Added: Add has_type function.

1.20	2014-10-16	Fix packaging.

 - Added: Skip README.pod for CPAN.

1.19	2014-10-15	Cosmetic changes and diagnostics.

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Old metadata wasn't overwritten, deleted to allow Dist::Inkt to work.

 [ Other ]
 - Added: Add links to Debian.
 - Removed: Remove inc/

1.18	2014-10-14	Cosmetic changes and diagnostics.

 - Added: Improve diagnostics if a model isn't given.
 - Added: Improve package metadata.
 - Use Dist::Inkt packaging.

1.16	2013-06-27	Bugfix and hasnt_literal.

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - The new Turtle parser reports errors on a different spot.
 - With the new URI tests, my tests needs to check.

 [ Other ]
 - Added: Add new hasnt_literal test.

1.14	2012-11-21	Scalar::Util strange bug.

 - Updated: Dependency on Scalar::Util is anything but 1.23, set it to

1.11	2012-10-17	Update to RDF::Trine 1.001.

 - Updated: Update test to check the new errors of
   RDF::Trine::Parser::Turtle 1.001.

1.10	2012-09-10	Add pattern_fail.

 - Added: Function to test if pattern doesn't exist.
 - Use RDF-based packaging.

1.00	2012-06-30	Stable release.

 - Added: Add a description to the POD.

0.26	2012-06-11	New hasnt_uri test.

 - Added: Add hasnt uri test.
 - Added: Improve pattern_ok diagnostics.
 - Added: Minor cosmetics.
 - Reorgnize metadata to exploit new modules
 - Use github issue tracker.

0.24	2011-10-10	Pattern tests.

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Parser may need an empty sub sometimes.

 [ Other ]
 - Added: Minor cosmetics.
 - Added: New pattern_ok and pattern_target functions.
   Toby Inkster++
 - Added: Test for empty RDF strings

0.22	2011-04-01	Subgraph tests.

 - Added: Add a are_subgraphs function for testing if one graph is a
   subgraph of another.
 - Added: More documentation.
 - Added: Use the RDF::Graph::Trine error function for diagnostics
 - Removed: Remove the now unneeded dependency on Text::Diff::Table.

0.20	2010-12-18	Add functions for testing resources and literals.

 - Added: has_literal function to test if a literal is present.
 - Added: has_object_uri function to test if a URI is present as object.
 - Added: has_predicate function to test if a URI is present as predicate.
 - Added: has_subject function to test if a URI is present as subject.
 - Added: has_uri function to test if a URI is present at all in the graph.
 - Check Redland error messages in addition to Trine.

0.11	2010-11-08	Fix tainting problem.

 - Fix the tainting problem many cpantesters have.
 - Got authorized!.
 - Small cosmetic changes.

0.10	2010-11-06	Complete rewrite.

 - A complete rewrite from scratch using RDF::Trine.
 - Backwards incompatible with previous releases.

0.0.3	2006-13-04	Michael Hendricks old release based on RDF::Redland.