
Created:      2012-08-27
Home page:    <https://metacpan.org/module/URI::NamespaceMap>
Bug tracker:  <https://github.com/kjetilk/URI-NamespaceMap/issues>
Maintainer:   Gregory Todd Williams <mailto:gwilliams@cpan.org>
Maintainer:   Chris Prather <mailto:chris@prather.org>
Maintainer:   Kjetil Kjernsmo <mailto:kjetilk@cpan.org>

0.11_2  2014-09-27  Support IRI module.

 - (Addition) Support the new IRI module.
   ++"Gregory Todd Williams"
 - (Addition) Use Types::URI.
 - (Addition) Warn the user in test when they have too old RDF::NS.
 - (Bugfix) Silence warnings when URI doesn't have local part.

0.10  2014-05-21  Compatibility with RDF::Trine::NamespaceMap.

 - (Addition) Make it possible to send local part to the uri method of
   ++"Chris Prather"

0.08  2014-05-19  Prefix guessing.

 - (Addition) Prefix guessing using RDF::NS, RDF::Prefixes or
 - (Bugfix) Fix breakage in terms with hyphens.
   ++"Dorian Taylor"

0.06  2012-11-28  Bugfix release.

 - (Bugfix) URI::Namespace must be used from URI::NamespaceMap.

0.04  2012-10-23  Reverse lookups.

 - (Addition) Adding reverse lookups, i.e. abbreviation and prefix_for.
   ++"Dorian Taylor"
 - Stop using blank node in makefile.ttl to fix version_from.

0.02  2012-08-30  Minor bugfixes.

0.01  2012-08-28  Initial release.