Revision history for Perl extension XML::FOAFKnows::FromvCard.

0.4   2005-09-18 00:50
	- More privacy features.
	- More documentation, especially about privacy issues.
	- Many more tests.
	- Added a dependency to the most recent Text::vCard since previous
	  versions had seqfault issues.
	- URLs will be added even for non-public data, but not with title.
	- Thanks to Libby Miller for sharing her vCards and for testing. :-)
0.3   2005-09-17 00:20
	- New tests.
	- Will install the foafvcard script appropriately and make it more 
	- A little more documentation.
0.2   2005-08-30 01:00
	- Renamed it since it isn't really a Formatter, even though it
	  conforms to the specification. Thanks to Tom Insam for
	- Implemented a more thorough scheme for identifying the Person
	  behind the knows. Thanks to Jim Ley.
	- Added a simple person count as nodeID if there is no nick.
0.01  Sat Aug 27 20:58:30 2005
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-AX -b 5.6.0 -n Formatter::FOAFKnows::vCard