Revision history for Perl extension Crypt::OpenSSL::DSA.

0.15    2015/02/03
        - #84367 Win32 compatibility patch
        - #80369 fix errors in POD. Mainly just missing =over/=back
        - #80368 Makefile.PL: unneeded -lssl in LIBS

0.14    2012/10/16
        - compiling with -Werror=format-security now works (Jerome Quelin, #48446)
        - Use Digest::SHA instead of Digest::SHA1 (Ansgar Burchardt, #60271)
        - Security fix, CVE-2009-0129: Missing error check in do_verify (Havard Eidnes, #79958)

0.13    2005/10/15
        - made t/90-openssl-compat.t windows compatible (Rob)

0.12    2005/05/22
        - Removed all use of strlen() in DSA.xs so signatures with nulls,
          as commonly generated with sha1, could be signed/verified,
          and added more tests
          (Brad Fitzpatrick <>)

0.11    2003/01/06
        - Added -DPERL5 to Makefile.PL required for perl-5.8/gcc-3.2

0.10    2002/09/25
        - Fixed Memory leak with signature object.
        - Added set_p, set_q, set_g, set_pub_key, set_priv_key (Olaf Kolkman)
        - Added set_r and set_s methods to Crypt::OpenSSL::DSA::Signature
        - Renamed to Signature.pod

0.04    2002/09/24
        - Fixed bug in verify method
        - Added read_priv_key_str and read_pub_key_str

0.03    2002/02/06
        - Added Crypt::OpenSSL::DSA::Signature interface

0.02    2001/09/24
        - Added more docs
        - seed is now optional argument in generate_parameters

0.01    2001/09/18
        - original version; created by h2xs