Revision history for Perl extension IPC::MPS.
0.10 2011-03-02
- Fix Makefile.PL
0.09 2010-10-19
- Laziness in message processing supported
- IPC::MPS::EV: using EV "default event loop"
- Event and EV based side modules support (directly or thru AnyEvent)
0.08 2010-07-21
- Distributed Programming
0.07 2010-02-01
- Fix two errors bonded with "wt" sub
0.06 2010-01-29
- Small cleaning code
0.05 2010-01-24
- IPC::MPS::Event
0.04 2010-01-22
- Fix logic error bonded with "wt" sub into IPC::MPS
0.03 2010-01-14
- waiting for a response to a specific message
- doc
- test
0.02 2010-01-03
- exit on parent exit
- demo
- doc
0.01 2009-12-12
- original version