package ProgressMonitor::Stringify::AbstractMonitor; use warnings; use strict; use ProgressMonitor::Exceptions; require ProgressMonitor::AbstractStatefulMonitor if 0; # Attributes: # width # The final width the field(s) this monitor manages will occupy use classes extends => 'ProgressMonitor::AbstractStatefulMonitor', class_methods => ['_new'], attrs_ro => ['width',], attrs_pr => ['msgto'], throws => ['X::ProgressMonitor::InsufficientWidth',], ; use ProgressMonitor::SubTask; use ProgressMonitor::SetMessageFlags; sub _new { my $class = shift; my $cfg = shift; my $cfgPkg = shift; # get the instance from the super class # my $self = $class->SUPER::_new($cfg, $cfgPkg); # retrieve the configuration for easy reference # $cfg = $self->_get_cfg; # what max width has the user asked for? # my $maxWidth = $cfg->get_maxWidth; my $allFields = $cfg->get_fields; # what is the minimum combined width needed to begin with? # my $wsum = 0; $wsum += $_->get_width for (@$allFields); X::ProgressMonitor::InsufficientWidth->throw($wsum) if $wsum > $maxWidth; # in a round robin fashion, try to fairly give dynfields # extra width until all are full, or width is exhausted # # first make a separate list of the dynamic fields # my @dynFields; for (@$allFields) { push(@dynFields, $_) if $_->isDynamic; } # begin with the width we have left to give out # and loop while there is any width left and there are any dynamic fields # that are 'still hungry'... # my $remainingWidth = $maxWidth - $wsum; while ($remainingWidth && @dynFields) { my $dynFieldCount = @dynFields; # make a list with the current width we have fairly distributed # my @allotments; $allotments[$_ % $dynFieldCount]++ for (0 .. ($remainingWidth - 1)); # now iterate over the list and give the corresponding dynfield the # width it has been allotted. # it will report how much it 'used' (due to its own constraints, if any) # and we can disseminate remains in the next loop # for (0 .. (@allotments - 1)) { my $allottedExtraWidth = $allotments[$_]; my $unusedExtraWidth = $dynFields[$_]->grabExtraWidth($allottedExtraWidth); $remainingWidth -= $allottedExtraWidth - $unusedExtraWidth; } # now recalculate the list with dynfields (any fields that have # reached their max width are no longer (dynamic') # @dynFields = (); for (@$allFields) { push(@dynFields, $_) if $_->isDynamic; } } # finally set the width we've actually used # $self->{$ATTR_width} = $maxWidth - $remainingWidth; return $self; } sub setMessage { my $self = shift; my $msg = shift; my $when = shift || SM_NOW; $self->{$ATTR_msgto} = undef if $when == SM_NOW; return $self->SUPER::setMessage($msg, $when); } sub subMonitor { my $self = shift; my $subCfg = shift || {}; $subCfg->{parent} = $self; return ProgressMonitor::SubTask->new($subCfg); } sub setErrorMessage { my $self = shift; my $msg = shift; return $msg; } ### protected sub _get_message { my $self = shift; my $now = time; if (defined($self->{$ATTR_msgto})) { $self->_set_message(undef) if ($self->{$ATTR_msgto} <= $now); } else { my $to = $self->_get_cfg->get_messageTimeout; $self->{$ATTR_msgto} = time + $to if $to >= 0; } return $self->SUPER::_get_message; } sub _set_message { my $self = shift; my $msg = shift; $self->{$ATTR_msgto} = undef; return $self->SUPER::_set_message($msg); } # helper method to call each field and render a complete line # sub _toString { my $self = shift; my $considerMessage = shift(); $considerMessage = 1 unless defined($considerMessage); my $state = $self->_get_state; my $ticks = $self->_get_ticks; my $totalTicks = $self->_get_totalTicks; my $cfg = $self->_get_cfg; my $ms = $cfg->get_messageStrategy; my $msg = $self->_get_message; my $rendition = ''; my $forceNewline = 0; if ($ms eq 'overlay_newline') { $forceNewline = 1; } elsif ($ms eq 'overlay_honor_newline') { $forceNewline = ($msg && $msg =~ /\n$/); } my $allFields = $cfg->get_fields; for (@$allFields) { # ask each field to render itself but ensure the result is exactly the width is # what its supposed to be # my $fr = $_->render($state, $ticks, $totalTicks, ($forceNewline && $considerMessage && $msg)); my $fw = $_->get_width; $rendition .= sprintf("%*.*s", $fw, $fw, $fr); } if ($considerMessage) { if ($msg && $ms ne 'none') { my $w = $self->{$ATTR_width}; if ($ms eq 'newline') { # accept embedded newlines, but ensure the message filler is applied (if set) # the split will also avoid stray empty lines at the end # my $fullMsg = ''; foreach my $msgLine (split(/\n/, $msg)) { $msgLine .= $cfg->get_messageFiller x ($w - length($msgLine)) if ($w > length($msgLine)); $fullMsg .= "$msgLine\n"; } $rendition = sprintf("%s%s", $fullMsg, $rendition); $self->_set_message(undef); } else { # overlay or overlay_newline or overlay_honor_newline # my $nlConversion = $cfg->get_messageOverlayNewlineConversion; my $start_ovrfld = $cfg->get_messageOverlayStartField; my $end_ovrfld = $cfg->get_messageOverlayEndField; my $start_ovrpos; my $end_ovrpos; my $offset = 0; for (1 .. @$allFields) { $start_ovrpos = $offset if $start_ovrfld == $_; $offset += $allFields->[$_ - 1]->get_width; $end_ovrpos = $offset if $end_ovrfld == $_; last if ($start_ovrpos && $end_ovrpos); } $msg =~ s/\n/$nlConversion/g; my $mf = $cfg->get_messageFiller; my $len = $mf ? $end_ovrpos - $start_ovrpos : length($msg); $msg .= $mf x ($len - length($msg)) if ($len > length($msg)); if ($ms eq 'overlay' || ($ms eq 'overlay_honor_newline' && !$forceNewline)) { substr($rendition, $start_ovrpos, $len) = sprintf("%*.*s", $len, $len, $msg); } else { substr($rendition, $start_ovrpos) = $msg; } if ($forceNewline) { $rendition .= "\n"; $self->_set_message(undef); } } } } return $rendition; } ### package ProgressMonitor::Stringify::AbstractMonitorConfiguration; use strict; use warnings; use Scalar::Util qw(blessed); # Attributes: # maxWidth # The maximum width this monitor can occupy altogether. # fields # An array of fields (or a single field if only one) that should be used # A field instance can not be reused in the list! # messageStrategy # Determines the strategy to use when displaying messages. # 'none' : doesn't display messages # 'overlay': requires 'messageOverlaysFields' to be set # 'newline': renders the message only with a newline at the end, in # effect pushing the other fields 'down'. Handles and 'honors' # embedded newlines, trailing newlines are dropped. # 'overlay_newline' : combines the effects of 'overlay' and 'newline' # 'overlay_honor_newline' : acts as 'overlay', but will ensure to make a # newline if the message has a trailing one. # messageOverlayStartfield # The field on which message overlay should start. Defaults to 0. # messageOverlayEndfield # The field on which message overlay should end. Defaults to last field. # messageFiller # The character for filling out the length of the message if # is not long enough to overlay the full length of the field(s) # it is set to overlay. # messageTimeout # The time in seconds before the message is cleared automatically. This # is only relevant for overlay (for newline, it only appears once). # Defaults to 3 seconds. Set to -1 for 'no timeout'. # messageOverlayNewlineConversion # For 'overlay' and 'overlay_newline', any embedded/trailing newlines # will be converted to another string, settable by this cfg variable. # Defaults to ' ' (space). # use classes extends => 'ProgressMonitor::AbstractStatefulMonitorConfiguration', attrs => [ 'maxWidth', 'fields', 'messageStrategy', 'messageOverlayStartField', 'messageOverlayEndField', 'messageFiller', 'messageTimeout', 'messageOverlayNewlineConversion' ], ; sub defaultAttributeValues { my $self = shift; return { %{$self->SUPER::defaultAttributeValues()}, maxWidth => 0, fields => [], messageStrategy => 'newline', messageOverlayStartField => 1, messageOverlayEndField => undef, messageFiller => ' ', messageTimeout => -1, messageOverlayNewlineConversion => ' ', }; } sub checkAttributeValues { my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::checkAttributeValues; my $maxWidth = $self->get_maxWidth; X::Usage->throw("invalid maxWidth: $maxWidth") unless $maxWidth >= 0; my $fields = $self->get_fields; if (ref($fields) ne 'ARRAY') { $fields = [$fields]; $self->set_fields($fields); } my %seenFields; for (@$fields) { X::Usage->throw("not a field: $_") unless (blessed($_) && $_->isa("ProgressMonitor::Stringify::Fields::AbstractField")); X::Usage->throw("same instance of field used more than once: $_") if $seenFields{$_}; $seenFields{$_} = 1; } my $ms = $self->get_messageStrategy; X::Usage->throw("invalid value for messageStrategy: $ms") unless $ms =~ /^(?:none|overlay|newline|overlay_newline|overlay_honor_newline)$/; if ($ms =~ /^overlay/) { my $maxFieldNum = @$fields; $self->set_messageOverlayEndField($maxFieldNum) unless defined($self->get_messageOverlayEndField); my $start = $self->get_messageOverlayStartField; my $end = $self->get_messageOverlayEndField; X::Usage->throw("illegal overlay start field: $start") if ($start < 1 || $start > $maxFieldNum); X::Usage->throw("illegal overlay end field: $end") if ($end < 1 || $end > $maxFieldNum || $end < $start); } my $mf = $self->get_messageFiller; X::Usage->throw("messageFiller not a character: $mf") if length($mf) > 1; return; } ############################ =head1 NAME ProgressMonitor::Stringify::AbstractMonitor - A reusable/abstract monitor implementation that deals in stringified feedback. =head1 DESCRIPTION This is an abstract base class for monitors that will render their result as a string through the use of 'fields' (see the L<Fields> packages). =head1 PROTECTED METHODS =over 2 =item _new( $hashRef, $package ) Configuration data: =over 2 =item maxWidth (default => 79) The monitor should have this maxWidth. The actual width used may be less. This depends on the fields it uses; specifically, if dynamic fields are used, they will be given width until all is used or until the dynamic fields themselves have reached their maxWidth if any. Throws X::ProgressMonitor::InsufficientWidth if the maxWidth is to small to handle the minimum requirements for all the fields. =item fields (default => []) An array ref with field instances. =item messageStrategy (default => newline) An identifiers that describes how messages should be inserted into the rendition: =over 2 =item none Not surprisingly, this suppresses message presentation. =item overlay This will cause the message to overlay one or more of the other fields, so as to keep things on one line. This setting will work in conjunction with messageTimeout, messageOverlayStartField and messageOverlayEndField. =item newline This will cause the message and a newline to be inserted in front of the regular rendition, causing the running rendition to be 'pushed' forward. =item overlay_newline This will combine the effects of 'overlay' and 'newline'. =back =item messageFiller (default => ' ') If the message is too short for the allotted space, it will be filled with this character. Can be set to the empty string or undef to skip filling, causing a 'partial overlay', i.e. just as much as the string is, which obviously can give a confusing mixed message with the underlying field. =item messageTimeout (default => 3 seconds) This is only relevant for the 'overlay' strategy. If the code doesn't explicitly set the message to undef/blank, the timeout will automatically remove it. Set to -1 for infinite. =item messageOverlayStartField, messageOverlayEndField (defaults => all fields) Together these define the starting and ending field number that the message should overlay. This defaults to 'all fields'. =item messageOverlayNewlineConversion (default => ' ') Embedded/trailing newlines will be converted to this string for the 'overlay' and 'overlay_newline' strategies. =back =item _toString Contains the logic to assemble the fields into a current string. =back =head1 AUTHOR Kenneth Olwing, C<< <knth at> >> =head1 BUGS I wouldn't be surprised! If you can come up with a minimal test that shows the problem I might be able to take a look. Even better, send me a patch. Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-progressmonitor at>, or through the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 SUPPORT You can find general documentation for this module with the perldoc command: perldoc ProgressMonitor =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to my family. I'm deeply grateful for you! =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2006,2007 Kenneth Olwing, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1; # End of ProgressMonitor::Stringify::AbstractMonitor