Revision history for Perl module App::Switchman

1.13 2015-09-27
    * fixed failing mock tests

1.12 2015-09-10
    * changed handling of ALARM - use unsafe signals
    * improved debug logging
    * switchman leaves queues before locking
    * wait_in_queue optimization - watch not for the head of queue, but for the neighbour

1.11 2015-07-01
    * fix typo in dependencies

1.10 2015-06-22
    + data_read_len config option
    * increased default data_read_len from 1Kb to 64Kb
    * using human-readable version of the error codes
    * handle Net::ZooKeeper::new initialization fails
    * fixed possible endless loop during wait in queue
    * load_prefix_data validates json data and stores decoded result
    + resources_wait_timeout config option

1.09 2015-06-15
    + --no-lock option

1.08 2015-03-24
    + termination_timeout config option

1.07 2014-12-08
    * specify minimal good version of Net::ZooKeeper in dependencies

1.06 2014-11-24
    * fixed bug in wait_in_queue for the case when the node was removed during processing

1.05 2013-10-07
    * increased reconnect tries

1.04 2013-09-25
    * fixed prepare_zknodes

1.03 2013-09-23
    * improved error handling
    * optimistic reconnect

1.02 2013-09-11
    * implemented nested groups support
    * removed load_prefix_data from BUILD
    * reformatted Changes (thanks to Neil Bowers)

1.01 2013-09-09
    * lockname with '/' is explicitly forbidden
    * simplified signal handling

1.00 2013-07-15
    + resource leasing support
    * OO-interface for App::Switchman
    * default config at /etc/switchman.conf
    * group option is no longer required

0.08 2013-02-13
    + scripts for monitoring

0.07 2013-02-12
    * improved logging

0.06 2013-02-08
    + logfile and loglevel in config
    * Log::Dispatch dependency

0.05 2012-11-19
    * cache fqdn() result

0.04 2012-11-15
    * improved cmd arguments handling

0.03 2012-11-15
    + App::Switchman

0.02 2012-11-05
    + store hostname and pid in lock znode

0.01 2012-10-24
    initial release