#!/usr/bin/env perl # # TTFont.pm # # Copyright (C) 2005 David J. Goehrig <dgoehrig@cpan.org> # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Please feel free to send questions, suggestions or improvements to: # # David J. Goehrig # dgoehrig@cpan.org # package SDL::TTFont; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use SDL; use SDL::Surface; use vars qw/ @ISA /; @ISA = qw(SDL::Surface); sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = {}; my %options; (%options) = @_; $self->{-mode} = $options{-mode} || $options{-m} || SDL::TEXT_SHADED(); $self->{-name} = $options{-name} || $options{-n}; $self->{-size} = $options{-size} || $options{-s}; $self->{-fg} = $options{-foreground} || $options{-fg} || $SDL::Color::black; $self->{-bg} = $options{-background} || $options{-bg} || $SDL::Color::white; croak "SDL::TTFont::new requires a -name\n" unless ($$self{-name}); croak "SDL::TTFont::new requires a -size\n" unless ($$self{-size}); $self->{-font} = SDL::TTFOpenFont($self->{-name},$self->{-size}); croak "Could not open font $$self{-name}, ", SDL::GetError(), "\n" unless ($self->{-font}); bless $self,$class; return $self; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; SDL::FreeSurface($self->{-surface}) if (defined ($self->{-surface})); SDL::TTFCloseFont($self->{-font}) if (defined ($self->{-font})); } sub print { my ($self,$surface,$x,$y,@text) = @_; croak "Print requies an SDL::Surface" unless( ref($surface) && $surface->isa("SDL::Surface") ); SDL::FreeSurface($self->{-surface}) if ($$self{-surface}); $$self{-surface} = SDL::TTFPutString($$self{-font},$$self{-mode}, $$surface,$x,$y,${$$self{-fg}},${$$self{-bg}},join("",@text)); croak "Could not print \"", join("",@text), "\" to surface, ", SDL::GetError(), "\n" unless ($$self{-surface}); } sub width { my ($self,@text) = @_; my $aref = SDL::TTFSizeText($$self{-font},join(" ",@text)); $$aref[0]; } sub height { my ($self) = @_; SDL::TTFFontHeight($$self{-font}); } sub ascent { my ($self) = @_; SDL::TTFFontAscent($$self{-font}); } sub descent { my ($self) = @_; SDL::TTFFontDescent($$self{-font}); } sub normal { my ($self) = @_; SDL::TTFSetFontStyle($$self{-font},SDL::TTF_STYLE_NORMAL()); } sub bold { my ($self) = @_; SDL::TTFSetFontStyle($$self{-font},SDL::TTF_STYLE_BOLD()); } sub italic { my ($self) = @_; SDL::TTFSetFontStyle($$self{-font},SDL::TTF_STYLE_ITALIC()); } sub underline { my ($self) = @_; SDL::TTFSetFontStyle($$self{-font},SDL::TTF_STYLE_UNDERLINE()); } sub text_shaded { my ($self) = @_; $$self{-mode} = SDL::TEXT_SHADED(); } sub text_solid { my ($self) = @_; $$self{-mode} = SDL::TEXT_SOLID(); } sub text_blended { my ($self) = @_; $$self{-mode} = SDL::TEXT_BLENDED(); } sub utf8_shaded { my ($self) = @_; $$self{-mode} = SDL::UTF8_SHADED(); } sub utf8_solid { my ($self) = @_; $$self{-mode} = SDL::UTF8_SOLID(); } sub utf8_blended { my ($self) = @_; $$self{-mode} = SDL::UTF8_BLENDED(); } sub unicode_shaded { my ($self) = @_; $$self{-mode} = SDL::UNICODE_SHADED(); } sub unicode_solid { my ($self) = @_; $$self{-mode} = SDL::UNICODE_SOLID(); } sub unicode_blended { my ($self) = @_; $$self{-mode} = SDL::UNICODE_BLENDED(); } croak "Could not initialize True Type Fonts\n" if ( SDL::TTFInit() < 0); 1; __END__; =pod =head1 NAME SDL::TTFont - a SDL perl extension =head1 SYNOPSIS $font = new TTFont -name => "Utopia.ttf", -size => 18; =head1 DESCRIPTION L<SDL::TTFont> is a module for applying true type fonts to L<SDL::Surface>. =head1 AUTHOR David J. Goehrig =head1 SEE ALSO L<perl> L<SDL::Surface> =cut