Revision history for App-DBBrowser
0.015 2014-02-07
- Fixed bug in "search SQLite databases".
- "pg_enable_utf8" can be set to "auto" if "DBD::Pg" >= 3.x.x.
- Added release test "year_copyright.t".
- Update documentation.
0.014 2014-02-04
- Detect encodings.
- Refactoring system/meta filter.
- Added LICENSE file.
- Improved documentation.
0.013 2014-01-28
- Scalar functions applicable also to "GROUP BY" columns.
0.012 2014-01-27
- "SQLite" is selected if @ARGV.
- Added support for MSWin32 OS.
0.011 2014-01-24
- The "mouse mode" is now already effective in the "option" menu.
- Option "login": removed the choice "for every connection".
- Update license.
- Update documentation.
0.010 2014-01-20
- Removed experimental typecast (Pg - aggregate).
- Keep track of the terminal width instead of using "SIGWINCH".
- Adapted "db-browser" to the new "Term::Choose" (version 1.070): "choose" has now set no "limit" by default.
- "sql_regex": typecast to "text" for "Pg".
- Bugfix: if "select" is empty when leaving "aggregate" or "group by" set "select_type" to "*".
- If a field contains a reference replace the reference with the reference type plus ' REF'.
- Code refactoring.
0.009 2014-01-16
- New option "Parentheses". Enable parentheses in "WHERE" or/and "HAVING TO" clause.
- New database options to set "host" and "port" (untested).
- Bugfix: quoting alias in "aggregate" with "quote_identifier" instead of "quote".
- Experimental: typecast to "numeric" in aggregate function if driver is 'Pg'.
- Hidden: added function "BIT_LENGTH" and "CHAR_LENGTH".
- Updated documentation.
0.008 2014-01-12
- Added link to the GitHub repo "App-DBBrowser".
- Code refactoring.
0.007 2014-01-11
- Bugfixed undefined "sqlite_master" primary and foreign keys by replacing in "primary_and_foreign_keys" the parsing of "sqlite_master" with "pragma foreign_key_list(table)".
- Bugfix: regexp for SQLite systemtables from "/sqlite/i" to "/sqlite_/i".
- Changed application directory: from "$HOME/.db_browser_conf" to "File::HomeDir->my_data/db_browser_conf".
- Added option "Path" which shows the path of the "db-browser" and the application directory.
- Code update of limit "Max Rows".
- Updated documentation.
0.006 2014-01-07
- Bugfix: reset cached data if db settings have changed.
- Code refactoring and update - e.g. move db-specific code in the db-section; add "WHERE 1 = 0" to the "SELECT" query where only the column names are needed.
- Improved documentation.
0.005 2014-01-06
- Bugfix.
- Code update and refactoring.
- Improved documentation.
0.004 2014-01-05
- Changed some error handling.
- Code clean up and refactoring.
- Improved documentation.
0.003 2014-01-04
- Fixed documentation.
0.002 2014-01-04
- Code clean up.
0.001 2014-01-04
- First release on CPAN.