Revision history for App-DBBrowser

2.245    2020-03-12
        - Term::Choose::Util minimum version is '0.117'.
        - Small format output fixes.

2.244    2020-03-11
        - SQLite plugin: sort databases.
        - Option 'Data source': different settings for 'Insert' and 'Create table'.
        - Update filter 'choose cols'.
        - Update filter 'search & replace'.
        - Update documentation.

2.243    2020-03-08
        - New option 'Data source'.
        - New option 'Truncated rows'.
        - Edit saved search-and-replace instructions.
        - Option 'Table name' enabled by default.

2.242    2020-03-06
        - Filter 'search_and_replace': option to save substitution code.
        - Bugfix deleting tmp files.

2.241    2020-03-02
        - Bugfix info output.

2.240    2020-03-01
        - New: replace function.
        - Refactoring info output.

2.239    2020-02-29
        - New option 'Indentation'.
        - New option 'View prefix'.
        - Update info output.
        - Update 'Create view'.
        - Bugfixes.
        - Update documentation.

2.238    2020-02-24
        - Update documentation.

2.237    2020-02-24
        - New option 'show_table_name';
        - Made importing multiple sheets from a spreadsheet file more comfortable.

2.236    2020-02-19
        - Made importing multiple sheets from a spreadsheet file more comfortable.

2.235    2020-02-17
        - Option to set the default value for the 'empty_to_null' filter.

2.234    2020-02-16
        - Fixed 'empty_to_null' filter.

2.233    2020-02-15
        - Added 'round' function.
        - Bugfix in ''.
        - Update in SQLite plugin.

2.232    2020-02-10
        - From file: possibility the set a new directory if the directory is chosen automatically.
        - Update documentation.

2.231    2020-01-02
        - Update required Term::Choose::Util versions.
        - Update year copyright.

2.230    2019-12-25
        - Modfied error messages.

2.229    2019-12-18
        - Renamed variables.

2.228    2019-12-08
        - Bugfix in 'merge_rows'.

2.227    2019-12-08
        - New option: glob filter for input files.
        - New option: show hidden files.

2.226    2019-11-17
        - Bugfix in filter split_column.

2.225    2019-11-17
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update required Term::Choose-Util-versions.

2.224    2019-11-17
        - Filter "Choose Rows": preselect non-empty rows if the data contains empty rows.

2.223    2019-11-16
        - Update documentation.
        - Coming back from a not completed "create table": keep track of sheet index.

2.222    2019-11-16
        - Bugfix in 'print_filter_info'.
        - Filter "Row Groups": allow to choose more then one group.

2.221    2019-11-15
        - Create table: no extra confirm for the insert.
        - Menu-updates for: create table, fetch data, parse data, filter data.
        - Columns added with Append_col have now an empty header.
        - Bugfix in empty_to_null.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

2.220    2019-10-31
        - Bugfix in the empty_to_null filter.

2.219    2019-10-30
        - Update required Term::Choose-Util-versions.
        - Adapt code to the updated Term::Choose-Util version.

2.218    2019-10-23
        - Update documentation.

2.217    2019-10-20
        - Bugfix 'choose_a_subset' return values: check for empty arrays.

2.216    2019-10-19
        - Bugfix in filter 'merge_rows'.

2.215    2019-10-19
        - New filter 'fill_up_rows', 'join_columns'.
        - Update filter 'merge_rows'.

2.214    2019-10-13
        - Update documentation.

2.213    2019-10-13
        - New parse mode: "Template".
        - Update input filter menu.
        - Update input filter info output.
        - Bugfix copy & paste: removed 'Spreadsheet::Read' from the menu.
        - Bugfixes in setting column names.
        - Bugfix in resetting header row.
        - Update create table menu.

2.212    2019-10-06
        - New input filter: "Remove_Cell", "Insert_Cell", "Row_Groups".

2.211    2019-10-02
        - Input Copy and Paste: show the cursor.
        - Required the fixed "Term::Choose::Util" version.

2.210    2019-09-21
        - Term::Choose::Util: use object-oriented interface.

2.209    2019-09-09
        - Bugfix in 'subqueries': term_width -> get_term_width.

2.208    2019-09-05
        - Adapt the code to the updated Term::Choose.
        - Hide cursor fixes.

2.207    2019-08-09
        - Require App::DBBrowser::Table.
        - Bugfix in Join: use the right reference to get the driver type.
        - Update menus in Join.
        - Join/Union: consider the option 'metadata'.

2.206    2019-07-07
        - Fixed cursor visibility by raising the required Term::Form version.

2.205    2019-07-05
        - Added autoflush at the beginning of run.
        - Create/Drop menu changes.

2.204    2019-07-04
        - Update required "Term::Form"- and "Term::TablePrint"-versions.
        - Code refactoring.

2.203    2019-06-30
        - Fetching column names and types: eval sql code.
        - Keep the cursor hidden, avoid cursor flickering.
        - Adapt code to work with the updated Term::Choose::LineFold::line_fold routine.

2.202    2019-05-09
        - Update minimum version: Term::Choose, Term::Choose::Util, Term::From.
        - Code refactoring.

2.201    2019-05-08
        - Bugfix in reading db options.
        - Union all: exclude views.
        - Menu memory for plugin menu.
        - Code refactoring.

2.200    2019-05-03
        - New plugin API
        - Perl minimum version 5.10.1;
        - Enable option menu_memory by default.
        - Create and drop views.
        - Subqueries: no clause type distinction.

2.071    2019-04-18
        - extensions: fixed spelling error.
        - choose_a_subset: replaced removed option.
        - insert: removed invalid menu entry 'settings'.

2.070    2019-04-05
        - readline: to return undef press Ctrl-X instead of Ctrl-D.

2.069    2019-03-09
        - Attach/detach database: fix file name hash key.

2.068    2019-03-08
        - Update filter column names.

2.067    2019-02-25
        - Code refactoring.

2.066    2019-02-24
        - Bugfix alias.
        - Renamed config file "file_history" to "dir_history".

2.065    2019-02-22
        - Update filter 'replace'.

2.064    2019-02-21
        - Update documentation.

2.063    2019-02-21
        - Update documentation.

2.062    2019-02-21
        - Update options.
        - Update filter search and replace.

2.061    2019-02-12
        - Get data from file: update file search.
        - Create table: option to drop the table if the insert failed.
        - Code refactoring.

2.060    2019-02-10
        - Use String::Unescape to unescape options for Text::CSV.
        - Bugfix subqueries: replaced '&&' with '||'.

2.059    2019-02-10
        - Added the possibility to edit join conditions.

2.058    2019-02-09
        - Update input filter 'Search Replace'.

2.057    2019-02-07
        - Update file history.
        - Update options menu.

2.056    2019-02-05
        - Update documentation.

2.055    2019-02-05
        - Update documentation.

2.054    2019-02-05
        - New input filter.

2.053    2019-02-04
        - Drop table: sort table list.
        - Drop table: don't change info behavior if the table is empty.
        - Replace spaces in the default table name.
        - Don't ask for aliases in set|where|having|group_by|oder_by clauses.

2.052    2019-02-02
        - Check for duplicate column names.

2.051    2019-02-01
        - Extenstions for "order by".

2.050    2019-01-31
        - Bugfix default table name.

2.049    2019-01-29
        - Set the default value for the options 'grid' and 'keep_header' to 1.
        - Add the sheet name to the default table name if the content is from a spreadsheet.
        - Rename the subquery-menu-entry in table/join/union menus.

2.048    2019-01-28
        - Update subquery menu.

2.047    2019-01-26
        - Use the whole terminal width (by upgrading Term::TablePrint).
        - Bugfix in subqueries.

2.046    2019-01-25
        - DBD::mysql: 'mysql_enable_utf8mb4' enabled by default, 'mysql_enable_utf8' disabled by default.
        - New input filter 'Add Column'.

2.045    2019-01-20
        - Bugfix: make the mouse work also in the help menu.
        - Parse mode 'split': new option to trim records.

2.044    2019-01-19
        - Union: allow to use tables more than one time.
        - Union: possibility to use a subquery instead of a table.
        - Postgress: change aliases to lowercase if 'quote_identifiers' is disabled.
        - Postgress: with 'meta data' disabled and no user schemas: set schema to 'public'.
        - Bugfix in option 'extensions'.
        - Bugfix in 'Subqueries': avoid duplicate entries.

2.043    2019-01-16
        - Bugfix: file name encoding.
        - Bugfix: parentheses in 'Subqueries'.
        - New input filter: convert empty fields to NULL.
        - New itemt in option 'Extensions SET': '=N' to set a field to NULL.
        - Make it possible to enter a "\t" as the 'Text-CSV-sep_char' value.
        - New option 'Info'.
        - Update write access.

2.042    2019-01-11
        - Join: possibility to use a subquery instead of a table.
        - Join: option to choose the comparison operator.
        - Remove duplicates in history.
        - Bugfix: avoid double quoting in saved subqueries.

2.041    2019-01-09
        - Bugfix in join: backup aliases.
        - Update join menus.
        - Attached databases: make menus less noisy.
        - Code refactoring.

2.040    2019-01-07
        - MySQL and Pg databases: added 'autoincrement' options.
        - Bugfix in 'get_schemas'.

2.039    2019-01-06
        - Bugfix in join.

2.038    2019-01-06
        - Tables: filter out tables of the type 'index'.
        - New: choose the join type.
        - Bugfix in parse mode split: add negative limit to preserve trailing empty fields.
        - Parse mode split: empty fields to 'undef' to avoid conflicts with non-string data types.

2.037    2019-01-06
        - Update aggregate/group by.
        - Update subqueries/functions.
        - Update options.
        - Allow self join.
        - New function: 'concatenate'.
        - New aggregate function: 'group_concat'.
        - Replaced 'lock' with 'reset'.
        - Tables: don't filter out views.

2.036    2018-12-30
        - Update subqueries.
        - New file name for saved subqueries.
        - SQLite: 'truncate' returns a numeric value.
        - SQLite: 'truncate' returns the value without rounding.
        - Bugfix in SQLite: the autoincrement column constraint could contain the keyword 'autoincrement'.
        - Bugfix in SQLite's 'bit_length': return bits not bytes.
        - Bugfix in HAVING clause with operator 'LIKE col': use group results as arguments.
        - Bugfixes in 'col_function' and print history.
        - Union "All tables": don't include system tables.

2.035    2018-12-20
        - "DBD::MariaDB" database plugin.

2.034    2018-12-19
        - New option "guess data type".
        - Update option "auto increment column".
        - Bugfix in "insert_into" menu.
        - Filename extension: max length from 3 to 4.
        - Select columns: allow to select more than one column at a time.

2.033    2018-12-10
        - "Term::Choose" minimum version: '1.638'.
        - "Term::TablePrint" mininum version: '0.104'.

2.032    2018-12-09
        - New option 'decimal_separator'.

2.031    2018-11-29
        - MSWin32: set codepage temporarily to 65001.
        - Removed "no warnings 'utf8'".

2.030    2018-11-28
        - Update documentation.

2.029    2018-11-27
        - Update documentation.

2.028    2018-11-25
        - New option to disable "File::Find" warnings.

2.027    2018-11-23
        - Added option 'color'.
        - "Term::Choose" => '1.634'.
        - "Term::Choose::Util" => '0.068'.
        - "Term::Form" => '0.502'.
        - "Term::TablePrint" => '0.100'.

2.026    2018-11-11
        - File::Find: disable warnings if OS is MSWin32.

2.025    2018-08-13
        - Removed "Term::ProgressBar" from the dependencies since "Term::TablePrint" has now its own progress bar module.
        - Minimum version "Term::TablePrint" is "0.072".

2.024    2018-08-11
        - Add "Term::ProgressBar" to the dependencies (because "Term::ProgressBar" is now optional in "Term::TablePrint").

2.023    2018-08-07
        - The Insert key goes back 25 pages, the Delete key goes forward 25 pages.
        - Minimum version "Term::Choose" is "1.621".
        - Minimum version "Term::TablePrint" is "0.070".

2.022    2018-08-04
        - Bugfix in 'add_subqueries'.

2.021    2018-07-20
        - Output tweaking.
        - Bugfix regexp.
        - Minimum version "Term::Form" is "0.321".

2.020    2018-07-15
        - Output tweaking.
        - Minimum version "Term::Choose" is "1.604".
        - Minimum version "Term::Choose::Util" is "0.066".
        - Minimum version "Term::TablePrint" is "0.069".

2.019    2018-07-13
        - Close an open parentheses automatically on OK.
        - Regexp: show the operator already before entering the pattern.

2.018    2018-07-09
        - Don't put Version in every pm.
        - Bugfix join-menu.

2.017    2018-07-06
        - Bugfix undefined database.
        - New option 'squash spaces'.
        - Minimum version "Term::TablePrint" is "0.068".

2.016    2018-07-03
        - Minimum version "Term::Choose" is "1.600".
        - Minimum version "Term::Choose::Util" is "0.065".
        - Minimum version "Term::TablePrint" is "0.067".
        - Minimum version "Term::Form" is "0.316".

2.015    2018-06-19
        - 'no_spacebar' to 'meta_items'.

2.014    2018-04-20
        - Improved documentation.

2.013    2018-04-16
        - Fixes documentation format.

2.012    2018-04-08
        - Rearranged option menu.

2.011    2018-04-06
        - Minimum version "Term::Choose::Util" is "0.062".

2.010    2018-04-04
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

2.009    2018-03-27
        - Subquery as a table.
        - Auto-increment for SQLite databases.
        - Update documentation.

2.008    2018-03-24
        - Refactoring aggregate and subqueries.
        - Update documentation.

2.007    2018-03-23
        - subqueries as 'SET' value in 'UPDATE' stmt.
        - Minimum version "Term::Choose" is "1.514".
        - Minimum version "Term::Choose::Util" is "0.061".

2.006    2018-03-15
        - Option to enbable/disable write access.
        - Update documentation.

2.005    2018-03-14
        - The option 'alias' now also affects aggregate functions, join and union.
        - Minimum version "Term::Form" is "0.315".

2.004    2018-03-12
        - Code refactoring.
        - New experimental features: subqueries, aggregate in select
        - Removed "Files dir" option.
        - Update documentation.
        - Minimum version "Term::Form" is "0.314".

2.003    2018-03-04
        - Update Insert module.

2.002    2018-03-02
        - Bugfix in Insert module.
        - Bugfix in Table module.

2.001    2018-03-01
        - Bugfix: don't close the Temp file handle zu early.
        - Minimum version "Term::Choose::Util" is "0.057".
        - Removed option "SQLite_directories"

2.000    2018-02-28
        - New feature for SQLite: Attach database.
        - New option: "quote identifiers".
        - New option: "qualified table names".
        - Database Plugins: backward incompatible changes.
        - Bugfixes and Improvements.
        - Code refactoring
        - Update documentation.
        - Minimum version "Term::TablePrint" is "0.064".
        - Minimum version "Term::Choose" is "1.512".
        - Minimum version "Term::Choose::Util" is "0.056".
        - Minimum version "Term::Form" is "0.313".

1.060_06    2018-02-26
        - Developer release

1.060_05    2018-02-25
        - Developer release

1.060_04    2018-02-23
        - Developer release

1.060_03    2018-02-22
        - Developer release

1.060_02    2018-02-20
        - Developer release

1.060_01    2018-02-18
        - Developer release

1.059   2018-01-25
        - Bugfix: set_insert back to config_insert.

1.058   2018-01-22
        - No "Auto Limit" when showing the table before drop table.

1.057   2018-01-22
        - Bugfix in delete table: show the right row number.
        - Code refactoring.

1.056   2018-01-11
        - Minimum version "Term::TablePrint" is "0.058".
        - Minimum version "Term::Choose" is "1.509".
        - Minimum version "Term::Choose::Util" is "0.053".

1.055   2018-01-07
        - Update documentation.

1.054   2018-01-07
        - Update documentation.

1.053   2017-04-21
        - New option "grid".
        - Minimum version "Term::TablePrint" is "0.053".
        - Update documentation.
        - Update year copyright.

1.052   2016-08-30
        - Use "Term::Form" instead of "Term::ReadLine::Simple".

1.051   2016-05-13
        - Fixed option "File History".

1.050   2016-02-21
        - Bugfix: minimum plugin API version is "1.5".
        - PREREQ_PM: raised required version of different modules.

1.018_01   2016-02-14
        - Code refactoring.
        - Requires "Term::Choose::LineFold".
        - Update year copyright.

1.018   2015-12-21
        - New option to set the default input-file-search-directory.
        - Update documentation.

1.017   2015-12-15
        - Create table: options to set the default data type and the name of the id col.
        - Stable release.
        - Update documentation.

1.016_07   2015-12-09
        - SQLite: reconnect to the DB only before dropping or creating a DB.

1.016_06   2015-12-08
        - SQLite: reconnect to the DB before writing to the DB.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Minimum version "Term::Choose::Util" is "0.027".
        - Filename: choose instead of reading.

1.016_05   2015-12-06
        - Bugfix: UPDATE after INSERT: only inserted cols for UPDATE.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

1.016_04   2015-12-01
        - SELECT: add "$sth->finish()" where no rows are fetched.
        - Code refactoring.

1.016_03   2015-11-27
        - Update module "CreateTable".
        - Minimum version "Term::TablePrint" is "0.025".

1.016_02   2015-11-26
        - Removed "\K" - not available before 5.10.
        - Fixed bug in backwards-compatibility-code.

1.016_01   2015-11-23
        - SQLite: new feature "create table" and "drop table".
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

1.016   2015-11-10
        - Update Insert-package.
        - Code refactoring and cleanup.
        - Update documentation.

1.015   2015-11-08
        - Update Insert-package.
        - Removed the "location of the configuration directory has changed"-message.
        - Update documentation.

1.014   2015-08-17
        - Raised "Term::TablePrint" minimum version to "0.024".

1.013   2015-08-17
        - Removed support for the plugin api version "1.3".
        - The option "Table rows" has now 3 different settings instead of 2. The default behavior has changed.

1.012   2015-04-13
        - New dependency "File::Which";
        - config dir is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME if which( xdg-user-dir ).
        - the config dir is now called "db_browser" instead of "db_browser_conf".
        - Update documentation.

1.011   2015-03-28
        - "Term::ReadLine::Simple" minimum version "0.300".

1.010   2015-03-25
        - Refactoring options.
        - Removed dependency on "File::Slurp" [RT #103037 - Karen Etheridge (ETHER)].
        - "Term::Choose::Util" minimum version "0.025".
        - Update documentation.

1.009   2015-03-19
        - "Term::ReadLine::Simple" minimum version "0.208".
        - Code refactoring.

1.008   2015-02-25
        - New plugin api (1.4).
        - Removed support for the plugin api version "1.1" and "1.2".
        - Bugfix "Database settings": display the global setting if database specific setting is undefined.
        - Update documentation.

1.007   2015-02-23
        - Do not offer "Insert", "Update", "Delete" when not supported (union, join).
        - Update documentation.

1.006   2015-02-16
        - Code refactoring (join alias tables/idx).

1.005   2015-02-14
        - Re-enable "AutoCommit" because no "commit"s in db plugins (where required: "begin_work" disables "AutoCommit" automatically).

1.004   2015-02-11
        - JOIN: add the tablename to the column names.

1.003   2015-02-06
        - Bugfix option "mouse".
        - Support Debug plugin.
        - Update "INSERT" menu.
        - Update documentation.

1.002   2015-02-03
        - Bugfix options.
        - DB plugins: "AutoCommit" to 0.

1.001   2015-01-31
        - Read db configuration file if db_plugin settings have changed.
        - Bugfix options insert.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.999   2015-01-29
        - Changed available operators.
        - Handle missing "sql_regexp" and "concatenate" method.
        - Code refactoring.

0.998   2015-01-28
        - Bugfix in"App::DBBrowser::DB::SQLite" (search directories).
        - Code refactoring (schema).

0.997   2015-01-27
        - Bugfix in LIMIT;
        - Don't ask to choose if only one database.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Plugin API version 1.3.
        - Update documentation.

0.996   2015-01-25
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.995   2015-01-22
        - Removed option "sssc_mode".
        - Update documentation.

0.994   2015-01-22
        - Bugfixes database setting default values.
        - Bugfixes in "__read_config_files" and "__write_config_files".
        - Plugin API version 1.2.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.993   2015-01-09
        - Bugfix: Table/hidden menu.
        - Plugin API version 1.1.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.992   2015-01-04
        - Bugfix: "sssc_mode" in "Insert".
        - Bugfix: column menu in "union".
        - New plugin method "plugin_api_version".
        - Removed option "Input filter" (now always enabled).
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.991   2014-12-24
        - Bugfix in hidden menu.
        - Use 'catfile' to build the glob pattern for the search of the installed db drivers.
        - Code refactoring.

0.990   2014-12-22
        - SQLite: @ARGV are now databases instead of directories.
        - Bugfix in "prepare_connect_parameter".
        - Regexp: use different "operators" for case (in)sensitivity instead of an option.
        - SQLite: move "regexp case sensitivity"-code into the database plugin.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.049_09   2014-12-21
        - Code refactoring.
        - Back to the old plugin name format.
        - Update documentation.

0.049_08   2014-12-19
        - Code refactoring.
        - Changed plugin name format.
        - Update documentation.

0.049_07   2014-12-18
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.049_06   2014-12-11
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.049_05   2014-12-08
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.
        - Minimum Perl version "5.8.3".
        - "Term::TablePrint": minimum version "0.021".
        - Fixed typo in method name  [github #3 - Ivan Baidakou (basiliscos)].

0.049_04   2014-12-05
        - Bugfix inf sub "read_json": "JSON::XS" -> "JSON".
        - "Term::TablePrint": minimum version "0.020".
        - Minimum Perl version "5.8.9".

0.049_03   2014-12-04
        - Code refactoring.

0.049_02   2014-12-01
        - "App::DBBrowser::DB": a module for each driver.

0.049_01   2014-11-29
        - Code refactoring.

0.049   2014-11-28
        - Code refactoring.
        - "Term::Choose-Util" minimum version "0.017".

0.048   2014-11-20
        - Update documentation.
        - "Term::Choose" minimum version "1.117".

0.047   2014-11-11
        - New option "Debug".
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.046_01   2014-11-08
        - Added file history.
        - Choose parse module: Textfiles instead of only CSV files.
        - Update documentation.

0.046   2014-11-07
        - Support file formats supported by "Spreadsheet::Read".
        - New dependencies: "Spreadsheet::Read" and "Text::ParseWords".
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.045   2014-10-29
        - Code refactoring.

0.044_03   2014-10-28
        - Switched back to "Text::CSV".
        - Added missing dependency in the "Makefile.PL".
        - Bugfix.
        - Update documentation.

0.044_02   2014-10-28
        - Refactoring input.

0.044_01   2014-10-27
        - Bugfixes input.

0.044   2014-10-27
        - Use of "Text::ParseWords" instead of "Text::CSV" to parse rows.
        - Update documentation.

0.043   2014-10-02
        - Bugfix "print_error_message" [github #2 - Mark Lawrence].
        - Don't print all filenames when searching SQLite databases.

0.042   2014-10-01
        - Handle undefined input filename.

0.041_02   2014-09-29
        - Insert: additional option to choose single rows.
        - Modified menu behavior.

0.041_01   2014-09-27
        - Let "SET" sub-statement behave like similar other sql sub-statements.

0.041   2014-09-26
        - Code cleanup.
        - Improved documentation.

0.040_05   2014-09-23
        - Bugfix row-col filter.
        - Bugfix temp csv config.
        - Update menu navigation.

0.040_04   2014-09-23
        - Update menu navigation.
        - Update documentation.

0.040_03   2014-09-23
        - Update "INSERT INTO".
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.040_02   2014-09-20
        - Bugfix "print_error_message".

0.040_01   2014-09-19
        - Added experimental sql features (update, delete, insert into).
        - Update documentation.

0.040   2014-09-03
        - Menu memory for config and SQL menus.
        - Replaced "Term::ReadLine::Tiny" with "Term::ReadLine::Simple".
        - Update documentation.

0.039   2014-08-16
        - Perl minimum version from "5.10.1" to "5.10.0".

0.038   2014-08-16
        - Improved documentation.

0.037   2014-07-28
        - Bugfix: regex case sensitivity setting.
        - New dependency: "Term::ReadLine::Tiny".
        - "use JSON" instead of "use JSON::XS".
        - Update Makefile.PL.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.036   2014-07-10
        - Required minimum version of "Term::Choose::Util" is now "0.011".
        - Update documentation.

0.035_04   2014-07-09
        - Required minimum version of "Term::Choose::Util" is now "0.010".
        - Some read line changes.
        - Update documentation.

0.035_03   2014-07-08
        - Bugfix in JSON encoding.
        - Update "Reset".
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.035_02   2014-07-05
        - Code refactoring.
        - Fixed option "HELP".

0.035_01   2014-07-04
        - New configuration file format: each database driver has now its own file.
        - One option ("Menus") instead of three to set table/schema/database menu memory behavior.
        - The fetching of the required data for connecting to databases has changed.
        - Changed "Reset" option.
        - Required minimum version of "Term::TablePrint" is now "0.013".
        - Required minimum version of "Term::Choose::Util" is now "0.009".

0.035   2014-06-29
        - Required minimum version of "Term::Choose::Util" is now "0.008".
        - New option to set the default directories where "db-browser" searches for SQLite databases.
        - Update documentation.

0.034   2014-06-18
        - Bugfix in LIMIT-submenu.
        - Update documentation.

0.033   2014-06-15
        - Raised the required minimum version of "Term::TablePrint" and "Term::Choose::Util".
        - Changed the layout of the "Path" output.
        - Fixed: a change of the setting of the option "mouse" is immediately effective.

0.032   2014-05-30
        - Printing the table header on each page is not enabled by default.

0.031   2014-05-28
        - Fixed bug in the option code.

0.030   2014-05-28
        - Added an option to reset the database specific settings back to "Database defaults".
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.029_02   2014-05-25
        - Fixed option "Binary Filter".
        - Removed the extra code which moved "YES" before "NO".
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.029_01   2014-05-21
        - Each package has now its own file.
        - Renamed the option "Expand" to "Enchant"
        - Added the option "Table Header" in "Enchant".
        - Update documentation.

0.029   2014-05-05
        - Parentheses: the user can choose if the parentheses menu entry is located before or after the column names.
        - Update documentation.

0.028   2014-04-28
        - Bugfix documentation.

0.027   2014-04-28
        - Improved documentation.

0.026   2014-04-28
        - Improved documentation.

0.025   2014-04-26
        - SQL menu entry "COLUMNS" is now called "SELECT".
        - Code refactoring.
        - Improved documentation.

0.024   2014-04-21
        - Bugfix in "backup_in_hidd".
        - It is possible now also with "GROUP BY" to choose more than one column at once.
        - Update documentation.

0.023   2014-04-10
        - Update documentation.

0.022   2014-03-24
        - Update "ALL TABLES" in UNION.
        - Mininum version of "Term::TablePrint" is now 0.005.
        - Update Makefile.PL

0.021   2014-03-22
        - Bugfix in UNION.
        - New: "ALL TABLES" in UNION.

0.020   2014-03-21
        - Rewritten in OO style.
        - Outsourced code to "Term::Choose::Util".

0.019   2014-03-08
        - "COLUMNS": it is now possible to choose more than one column at once for the "SELECT" statement (experimental).
        - Update documentation.

0.018   2014-03-07
        - "App::DBBrowser" requires "Term::Choose" version 1.100 or higher.
        - Outsourced the table print function in its own module: "Term::TablePrint".
        - Code refactoring.

0.017   2014-02-19
        - Added new option "ENV DBI" which allows the use of DBI_USER and DBI_PASS to login.
        - Removed the option "Default user".
        - Removed the option "Separator"
        - "pg_enable_utf8" can always be set to "auto" (with "DBD::Pg" < 3.0.0 "auto" is mapped to "enabled").
        - Use "FinBin" the get the path of the program.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.016   2014-02-08
        - Bugfix and update in setting "pg_enable_utf8".

0.015   2014-02-07
        - Fixed bug in "search SQLite databases".
        - "pg_enable_utf8" can be set to "auto" if "DBD::Pg" >= 3.x.x.
        - Added release test "year_copyright.t".
        - Update documentation.

0.014   2014-02-04
        - Detect encodings.
        - Refactoring system/meta filter.
        - Added LICENSE file.
        - Improved documentation.

0.013   2014-01-28
        - Scalar functions applicable also to "GROUP BY" columns.

0.012   2014-01-27
        - "SQLite" is selected if @ARGV.
        - Added support for MSWin32 OS.

0.011   2014-01-24
        - The "mouse mode" is now already effective in the "option" menu.
        - Option "login": removed the choice "for every connection".
        - Update license.
        - Update documentation.

0.010   2014-01-20
        - Removed experimental typecast (Pg - aggregate).
        - Keep track of the terminal width instead of using "SIGWINCH".
        - Adapted "db-browser" to the new "Term::Choose" (version 1.070): "choose" has now set no "limit" by default.
        - "sql_regex": typecast to "text" for "Pg".
        - Bugfix: if "select" is empty when leaving "aggregate" or "group by" set "select_type" to "*".
        - If a field contains a reference replace the reference with the reference type plus ' REF'.
        - Code refactoring.

0.009   2014-01-16
        - New option "Parentheses". Enable parentheses in "WHERE" or/and "HAVING TO" clause.
        - New database options to set "host" and "port" (untested).
        - Bugfix: quoting alias in "aggregate" with "quote_identifier" instead of "quote".
        - Experimental: typecast to "numeric" in aggregate function if driver is 'Pg'.
        - Hidden: added function "BIT_LENGTH" and "CHAR_LENGTH".
        - Updated documentation.

0.008   2014-01-12
        - Added link to the GitHub repo "App-DBBrowser".
        - Code refactoring.

0.007   2014-01-11
        - Bugfixed undefined "sqlite_master" primary and foreign keys by replacing in "primary_and_foreign_keys" the parsing of "sqlite_master" with "pragma foreign_key_list(table)".
        - Bugfix: regexp for SQLite systemtables from "/sqlite/i" to "/sqlite_/i".
        - Changed application directory: from "$HOME/.db_browser_conf" to "File::HomeDir->my_data/db_browser_conf".
        - Added option "Path" which shows the path of the "db-browser" and the application directory.
        - Code update of limit "Max Rows".
        - Updated documentation.

0.006   2014-01-07
        - Bugfix: reset cached data if db settings have changed.
        - Code refactoring and update - e.g. move db-specific code in the db-section; add "WHERE 1 = 0" to the "SELECT" query where only the column names are needed.
        - Improved documentation.

0.005   2014-01-06
        - Bugfix.
        - Code update and refactoring.
        - Improved documentation.

0.004   2014-01-05
        - Changed some error handling.
        - Code clean up and refactoring.
        - Improved documentation.

0.003   2014-01-04
        - Fixed documentation.

0.002   2014-01-04
        - Code clean up.

0.001   2014-01-04
        - First release on CPAN.