Revision history for App-YTDL

0.027   2014-12-30
        - "Delete","Redo","Append": fixed video count.
        - Modified status messages.

0.026   2014-12-30
        - Bugfix: "sticky".
        - Bugfix: entries history file.
        - Code refactoring.

0.025   2014-12-29
        - Bugfix: ad channel to history only if youtube.
        - Code refactoring.

0.024   2014-12-27
        - New option "Channel directory".
        - Bug fixes.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.023   2014-12-25
        - Channels in the history file can be made sticky.
        - Update documentation.

0.022   2014-12-04
        - Bugfix: use "List::MoreUtils" for any and none.

0.021   2014-11-26
        - New option "Channel history".
        - New option "Sort order".
        - Code refactoring.
        - "Term::Choose" minimum version is "1.117".
        - Update documentation.

0.020_01   2014-11-01
        - Don't reset the previous selected videos if "FILTER" is called.
        - "Term::Choose" minimum version is "1.116_01".
        - Update documentation.

0.020   2014-09-27
        - New option "timeout".
        - Ask user what to do if error while fetching download info.

0.019   2014-09-14
        - Added "Term::Choose::Util" minimum version.

0.018   2014-09-10
        - Bugfixes.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Made "Term::Twiddle" a prerequisite if OS is not Win32.
        - Update documentation:

0.017   2014-08-23
        - Bugfix lists.
        - Perl minimum version from "5.10.1" to "5.10.0".

0.016   2014-08-07
        - Check if "youtube-dl" is available.
        - Added a filter for lists.
        - Output fixes and updates.

0.015   2014-07-21
        - Bugfixes and updates.

0.014   2014-07-21
        - "Set auto quality": added an "always default (best)" option.
        - Update documentation.

0.013   2014-07-21
        - "App::YTDL" uses now "youtube-dl" the get the data required for the video download.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update Makefile.PL.
        - Update documentation.

0.012   2014-04-22
        - Code refactoring.
        - Out of order.

0.011   2014-03-10
        - "Term::Choose" version 1.100 or higher is required.
        - MSWin32 OS: it is required "Term::Choose" instead of "Term::Choose::Win32".
        - Experimental option "Video directory".
        - Update documentation.

0.010   2014-02-22
        - Bugfix: if OS is "MSWin32" -> term-width - 1 (windows console behaves differently).

0.009   2014-02-13
        - Update exit messages.
        - Update documentation.

0.008   2014-02-02
        - Fixed bug: moved "decode_argv()" to the beginning of the BEGIN block.
        - Code refactoring.

0.007   2014-02-01
        - Handle empty entrynodes.

0.006   2014-02-01
        - Added LICENSE file.
        - Detect encodings.
        - Handle not mappable characters.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.005   2014-01-26
        - Fixed precedence bug.

0.004   2014-01-24
        - Removed "channel" regexp.
        - Update "Auto width".
        - Update license.

0.003   2014-01-18
        - Added option "Auto width".
        - Update documentation.

0.002   2014-01-15
        - Fixed "channel" regexp.
        - Added option "UserAgent".
        - Updated documentation.

0.001   2014-01-12
        - First relase on CPAN.