Revision history for App-YTDL
0.302 2018-07-02
- "Term::Choose" minimum version is "1.600".
- "Term::Choose-Util" minimum version is "0.064".
0.301 2018-06-23
- Bugfix in video quality "manually".
- Update option info output.
0.300 2018-06-20
- Use youtube-dl to download the videos.
- Different updates.
- Code refactoring.
- Update documentation.
0.255 2018-01-17
- 'Term::Choose::Util::settings_menu': remove the option "in_place".
0.254 2016-11-30
- Fix "duration".
0.253 2016-10-14
- Update regexps for arguments.
0.252 2016-08-30
- Fixes
- From "Term::ReadLine::Simple" to "Term::Form".
0.251 2016-03-29
- Update url regexp.
0.250 2016-02-21
- Requires "Term::Choose::LineFold".
- "Term::Choose" minimum version is "1.500".
- "Term::Choose-Util" minimum version is "0.050".
- Code refactoring.
- Update year copyright.
0.226 2015-12-08
- Modified regexp in GetData::_parse_yt_list_html.
- Marked the hidden menu entry in the uploader menu.
0.225 2015-10-06
- Bugfix: handle undefined date in "timestamp_to_upload_date".
0.224 2015-09-17
- Allow to reset preferred qualities.
- Added hidden menu entry.
0.223 2015-08-15
- Update css selectors.
0.222 2015-07-25
- Update regexps for arguments.
- Don't show the status code if the status code is 206.
- Removed option "kb_sec_len".
- Removed the temporary checking of history files for invalid entries.
- Skip merge if the video id is in the download archive.
0.221 2015-07-10
- Uploader-menu: remove chosen items from the list of available items.
0.220 2015-06-06
- Bugfix in a download "sprintf".
0.219 2015-06-05
- Fixed bug in previous bugfix.
0.218 2015-06-05
- Bugfix: check if the "uploader_id" is an user-id or a channel-id.
0.217 2015-06-02
- Filename: remove leading dots.
- Bugfix in "_generic".
- Removed: check for deprecated "log_info".
0.216 2015-05-18
- Code refactoring.
0.215 2015-05-15
- Bugfix: filter negated regexp.
- Removed old history format support.
0.214 2015-05-14
- Removed option "Logging".
- Bugfix visibility cursor.
- Update documentation.
0.213 2015-05-13
- New option "download archive".
- New option "Skip archived videos".
- Deprecated option "Logging".
- Bugfix: handle undefined preferred qualities.
- Code refactoring.
- Update documentation.
0.212 2015-05-09
- Bugfix: default fmt.
- Bugfix: remove channel-urls from "fast list-menu"-support.
- Bugfix: check return values of the "Mojo::DOM" methods "at" and "find".
0.211 2015-05-09
- Reenabled "fast list-menu" for youtube.
- Update documentation.
0.210 2015-05-07
- Removed option "sleep interval".
- Update documentation.
0.209 2015-05-07
- Bugfix: undefined values if single yt ids.
- New option "sleep interval".
- Update documentation.
0.208 2015-05-06
- Bugfix "view count".
- New function to fetch uploader videos.
- Update documentation (youtube: fast list-menu is not supported any more).
0.207 2015-05-05
- "getvideo" requires now less time to get ready:
use "which('youtube-dl')" instead of "youtube-dl --version" to check if "youtube-dl" is available.
- Code refactoring.
0.206 2015-04-29
- New option "Encode filename".
- Bug fixes.
- Code refactoring.
- Update documentation.
0.205 2015-04-24
- Modified option "Sanitize filename".
- Bugfix encoding.
- Bugfix "get_new_video_url".
- Bugfix: pass webpage_url instead of video_id to "youtube-dl".
- Code refactoring.
- Update documentation.
0.204 2015-04-22
- Bugfix: raised minimum version of "Term::Readline::Simple" to "0.301".
- Raised minimum version of "Term::Choose" and "Term::Choose::Util".
- Encoding bugfixes.
- Modified options.
- Update documentation.
0.203_01 2015-04-18
- New options "fast list-menu" and "use netrc".
- New dependency "Mojo::DOM";
- Bugfixes;
- Code refactoring.
- Update documentation.
0.203 2015-04-14
- "view count" and "upload date": adapt behavior if they are not available.
- Bugfix video count.
- Update documentation.
0.202 2015-04-13
- Update list-menu layout.
- Set default timeout to 60s.
- Bugfix: set "video_id" explicitly.
0.201 2015-04-11
- New options "Replace spaces" and "Sanitize filename" and "Unmappable characters".
- New dependency "Text::Unidecode".
- Bugfix in "_yt_list_info" and other fixes.
- Update documentation.
0.200 2015-04-08
- Stable release.
0.109_08 2015-04-08
- Use "Win32::ShellQuote" to quote Win32 file names for system/capture.
- Bug fixes.
- Code refactoring.
0.109_07 2015-04-06
- Update MENU behavior.
- "Extractor directory" disabled by default.
- Code refactoring.
- Update documentation.
0.109_06 2015-04-05
- Bugfix "requested format not available".
- Bugfix in "preferred qualities".
0.109_05 2015-04-05
- New dependency "File::Path".
- Get config dir with "File::HomeDir".
- Removed dependency "File::BaseDir".
- If "xdg-user-dir" config dir is "$HOME/.config".
- Renamed configuration files.
- Bugfix sort.
- Code refactoring.
- Update documentation.
0.109_04 2015-04-03
- New dependency "File::BaseDir".
- Get config dir from "File::BaseDir::config_home" instead from "File::HomeDir::my_data".
- Bug fixes.
- Code refactoring.
- Update documentation.
0.109_03 2015-04-02
- "Timestamp to uploaddate" enabled by default.
- No "ucfirst" for extractor directory name.
- Invert filter: now space required between "!~" and pattern.
- Code refactoring.
- Update documentation.
0.109_02 2015-04-01
- New option: "Slots 'preferred qualities'".
- Update option menu.
- Bug fix.
- Code refactoring.
- Update documentation.
0.109_01 2015-03-31
- Code refactoring.
- New: auto-merge.
- Bug fixes.
- Update documentation.
0.109 2015-03-27
- Code refactoring.
- Update documentation.
0.108 2015-03-17
- Removed
- Use also hours, minutes and seconds for the file timestamp if they are available.
- Win32: modify the 'youtube-dl' pathname with "Win32::GetShortPathName".
- Update documentation.
0.107 2015-03-02
- eval decode_json if json is not from youtube-dl.
0.106 2015-02-24
- New sort option.
- New option to add the video view count to the list items.
- Bugfix (like_coun => like_count).
- Update documentation.
0.105 2015-02-12
- Added the option "Extractors" to list the supported extractors.
- Update documentation.
0.104 2015-02-09
- Possibility to select more than one video quality.
- Channel/Playlist: option to fetch the video info for the latest 50 videos.
- Update documentation.
0.103 2015-01-29
- Code refactoring.
- Changed shebang line.
- Channel history: mark the channel that will be removed next.
0.102 2015-01-22
- Fix and refactoring "FILTER".
0.101 2015-01-18
- Option to change the file timestamp to the upload date.
- New dependencies: "File::Touch", "Time::Local".
- "Term::Choose-Util" minimum version is "0.022".
- Code refactoring.
- Update help menu.
- Update documentation.
0.100 2015-01-17
- Changed the format of different files.
- "preferred qualities" can be set for all extractors.
- New option "channel sort".
- Code refactoring.
- Update documentation.
0.031 2015-01-14
- "youtube-dl": added the option "--youtube-skip-dash-manifest".
- Code refactoring.
0.030 2015-01-09
- Code refactoring.
- Update copyright year.
0.029 2015-01-03
- Removed option "auto_width" (now always on).
- Added new option "Extractor directory".
- Option "Logging" disabled by default.
- Changed the default video directory.
- Code refactoring.
- Update documentation.
0.028 2014-12-30
- Bugfix status message in "download_video".
0.027 2014-12-30
- "Delete","Redo","Append": fixed video count.
- Modified status messages.
0.026 2014-12-30
- Bugfix: "sticky".
- Bugfix: entries history file.
- Code refactoring.
0.025 2014-12-29
- Bugfix: ad channel to history only if youtube.
- Code refactoring.
0.024 2014-12-27
- New option "Channel directory".
- Bug fixes.
- Code refactoring.
- Update documentation.
0.023 2014-12-25
- Channels in the history file can be made sticky.
- Update documentation.
0.022 2014-12-04
- Bugfix: use "List::MoreUtils" for any and none.
0.021 2014-11-26
- New option "Channel history".
- New option "Sort order".
- Code refactoring.
- "Term::Choose" minimum version is "1.117".
- Update documentation.
0.020_01 2014-11-01
- Don't reset the previous selected videos if "FILTER" is called.
- "Term::Choose" minimum version is "1.116_01".
- Update documentation.
0.020 2014-09-27
- New option "timeout".
- Ask user what to do if error while fetching download info.
0.019 2014-09-14
- Added "Term::Choose::Util" minimum version.
0.018 2014-09-10
- Bugfixes.
- Code refactoring.
- Made "Term::Twiddle" a prerequisite if OS is not Win32.
- Update documentation:
0.017 2014-08-23
- Bugfix lists.
- Perl minimum version from "5.10.1" to "5.10.0".
0.016 2014-08-07
- Check if "youtube-dl" is available.
- Added a filter for lists.
- Output fixes and updates.
0.015 2014-07-21
- Bugfixes and updates.
0.014 2014-07-21
- "Set auto quality": added an "always default (best)" option.
- Update documentation.
0.013 2014-07-21
- "App::YTDL" uses now "youtube-dl" the get the data required for the video download.
- Code refactoring.
- Update Makefile.PL.
- Update documentation.
0.012 2014-04-22
- Code refactoring.
- Out of order.
0.011 2014-03-10
- "Term::Choose" version 1.100 or higher is required.
- MSWin32 OS: it is required "Term::Choose" instead of "Term::Choose::Win32".
- Experimental option "Video directory".
- Update documentation.
0.010 2014-02-22
- Bugfix: if OS is "MSWin32" -> term-width - 1 (windows console behaves differently).
0.009 2014-02-13
- Update exit messages.
- Update documentation.
0.008 2014-02-02
- Fixed bug: moved "decode_argv()" to the beginning of the BEGIN block.
- Code refactoring.
0.007 2014-02-01
- Handle empty entrynodes.
0.006 2014-02-01
- Added LICENSE file.
- Detect encodings.
- Handle not mappable characters.
- Code refactoring.
- Update documentation.
0.005 2014-01-26
- Fixed precedence bug.
0.004 2014-01-24
- Removed "channel" regexp.
- Update "Auto width".
- Update license.
0.003 2014-01-18
- Added option "Auto width".
- Update documentation.
0.002 2014-01-15
- Fixed "channel" regexp.
- Added option "UserAgent".
- Updated documentation.
0.001 2014-01-12
- First relase on CPAN.