Revision history for Term::Choose

1.005   2012-09-01
        - Added option "cursor".
        - Fixed mouse_mode bugs.
        - Updated documentation.

1.004   2012-08-29
        - "_size_and_layout" back to the old position after "_print_promptline".
        - Code refactoring.
        - Improved documentation.
1.003   2012-08-28
        - Check for existing SIGWINCH handler.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Removed $arg->{step} from "_print_promptline" (GC) ("_print_promptline" not available if $arg->{prompt} == 0).
        - Updated example.
        - Improved documentation.

1.002  	2012-08-23
        - Updated Example.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Improved documentation.

1.001  	2012-08-12
        - $VERSION: switched from dotted-integers to decimal numbers ("0.7.16" -> "1.001").
        - Changed the maximal allowed value for the option "length_longest" from 999_999_999 to 999.
        - Updated documentation.

0.7.16  2012-08-12
        - From "$XSIG{WINCH}[4]" (Signals::XSIG) to "local $SIG{WINCH}".
        - Updated "Page Up"/"Page Down".
        - Removed option "extra_key".
        - Updated documentation.

0.7.15  2012-08-09
        - Added "Page Up" and "Page Down" keys (experimental).

0.7.14  2012-08-08
        - Added option "length_longest".
        - Updated documentation.
        - Code refactoring.

0.7.13  2012-08-05
        - Removed option "length_longest". 

0.7.12  2012-08-05
        - Code refactoring - "_size_and_layout": don't copy the list but use indexes.
        - Added option "length_longest".
        - Changed "_unicode_cut" and "_unicode_sprintf"
        - Changed optionname "vertical_order" to "vertical".
        - Changed the order of the values from the option "layout".
        - Updated example.
        - Improved documentation.

0.7.11  2012-07-31
        - "_size_and_layout": back to version 0.7.9.

0.7.10  2012-07-30
        - Code refactoring - "_size_and_layout": don't copy the list.
        - Fixed bug in example.
        - Improved documentation.

0.7.9   2012-07-29
        - Form "and,or,not" to "&&,||,!".
        - Minor code changes.
        - Updated example.
        - Improved documentation.

0.7.8   2012-07-27
        - Added example.
        - Minor code changes.

0.7.7   2012-07-24
        - Fixed bug in _unicode_cut.
        - Improved documentation.
0.7.6   2012-07-23
        - Added Term::Choose::GC.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Improved documentation.

0.7.5   2012-07-21
        - Don't print control characters.
        - Improved Documentation.

0.7.4   2012-07-19
        - Minor code changes.
        - Improved Documentation.

0.7.3   2012-07-17
        - Make calling "choose" in void context more normal.
        - Modified error messages.
        - "max_list": exceeding "max_list" now warns and cuts the used list to max_list instead of dying.
        - Added bug section.
        - Improved documentation.

0.7.2   2012-07-14
        - Press a key after warnings "not a valid value for option" or "no such option" to continue.
        - Consideration of the case of calling "choose" in a void context.
        - Code cleanup.
        - Documentation cleanup.

0.7.1   2012-07-13
        - First release on cpan.