Revision history for Term::Choose_HAE
0.058 2018-11-17
- This module is DEPRECATED.
0.057 2018-11-16
- "Term::Choose" version has to be "1.628".
0.056 2018-11-12
- Adapted to "Term::Choose 1.628".
- "Term::Choose": minimum version "1.628".
0.055 2018-07-14
- "Term::Choose::Constants" load new tag 'screen'.
- "Term::Choose": minimum version "1.603".
0.054 2018-02-24
- "Term::Choose": minimum version "1.511".
0.053 2018-02-22
- Bugfix argument __copy_orig_list.
- Update documentation
0.052 2018-01-04
- Fixed wrong key name: row_on_top -> p_begin.
- Removed option "pad_one_row".
0.051 2016-08-14
- "Term::Choose": minimum version "1.505".
0.050 2016-02-21
- "Term::Choose": minimum version "1.500".
0.021_02 2016-02-15
- Sync "__copy_orig_list" with "Term::Choose".
0.021_01 2016-02-14
- Requires "Term::Choose::LineFold".
- Code refactoring.
- Update year copyright.
0.021 2015-10-05
- Fixed: depends on module (Term::Choose::Constants) not on CPAN [RT #107535 - Alexandr Ciornii].
0.020 2015-10-04
- Update documentation.
0.019 2015-10-02
- First release on cpan.