Revision history for Term::TablePrint

0.007   2014-04-12
        - The option "add_header" replaces the option "header_row".
        - Update documentation.

0.006   2014-04-09
        - Update documentation.

0.005   2014-03-24
        - Bugfix in "max_rows".
        - Added the second "choose_columns" method to the documentation.
        - Update Makefile.PL.
        - Improved documentation.

0.004   2014-03-21
        - Fixed "max_rows".
        - Added option "choose_columns".
        - Added option "header_row".
        - Improved documentation.

0.003   2014-03-06
        - First stable release

0.002_01   2014-03-02
        - Added OO style.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.001_02   2014-03-02
        - Bugfix documentation.

0.001_01   2014-03-02
        - First release on CPAN.