Revision history for Perl extension Apache::SSI.
2.06_1 Wed Feb 3 11:31:52 EST 1999
- Forgot to include some 'make test' files in the MANIFEST, so they
didn't get distributed. No changes to the code here.
2.06 Wed Feb 3 00:16:12 EST 1999
- The boolean expressions of the <!--#if--> and <!--#elsif--> directives
are now handled with a Perl eval(). This allows proper parsing of
expressions like "!($var)", and even lets you use pre-loaded Perl
subroutines in those expressions. The specific mechanism I'm using to
fill in the variables is quite voodooey, I'd appreciate some feedback
on how it's working.
- Sometime in the last few versions I introduced a new "Use of
uninitialized value at blib/lib/Apache/ line 85" warning, but I
can't for the life of me figure out what's uninitialized. Anyone?
That line is:
if ($ssi =~ m/^<!--#(.*)-->$/s) {
Through my testing, I know $ssi is defined, and that's definitely the
line it's complaining about.
- The arg, args, & pass_request parameters to <!--#perl ...--> are now
processed case-insensitively.
- <!--#perl sub="Named::Subroutine"--> had been broken, probably from day
one. Now it's fixed.
2.05 Mon Feb 1 12:12:25 EST 1999
- Fixed a bug that was preventing directives from spanning multiple lines
[ Thanks, Yury Kuznesov ]
2.04 Sat Jan 30 00:27:54 EST 1999
- Removed the %ENV = $r->cgi_env line, since it's not necessary.
See .
- Added "local $/ = undef;" line to reading input filehandle, which
should speed up running under Apache::Filter. [Thanks, Joshua Chamos]
- Added support for <!--#exec cgi="..."-->. Please let me know
if there are any problems, there are a lot of things to get right
(or go wrong). Thanks to Yury Kuznesov for the urging.
- Added support for <!--#config ...-->, except the 'timefmt' directive.
- With the small exception in 'config' above, I think that now all the
functionality of mod_include is present in Apache::SSI. Once people have
used it for a while and we've ironed out bugs, I'll declare some version
"officially stable and complete" or something.
2.03 Mon Jan 4 04:43:01 EST 1999
- Added support for the #if, #elif, #else, and #endif directives
- Failed includes now report in the error log the name of the file they
were trying to include.
2.02 Fri Nov 27 04:25:00 EST 1998
- Added minimal and probably buggy support for variable interpolation in
SSI directives.
- <!--#fsize ...--> should work now.
2.01 Wed Nov 11 18:31:12 EST 1998
- Backed out the $r->finfo change from 1.99 because of some reported
problems with it.
2.00 (not formally released, because I forgot to add to the Changes file)
1.99 Mon, 09 Nov 1998 07:45:47 GMT
- Uses $r->finfo for doing file-test operations, instead of using $r->filename.
Supposedly this speeds things up by avoiding an expensive system call (I
haven't benchmarked it). See
- Checks the return status of the call to $r->filter_input. If you're
using Apache::SSI with Apache::Filter, you'll need to upgrade
Apache::Filter to version 0.02 to use this version of Apache::SSI.
1.98 Sat Nov 7 02:19:05 EST 1998
- Will now cooperate with Apache::Filter if you've got it.
- Strips backslashes used in perl subs like these:
<!--#perl sub="sub {for (0..10) {print \"very \"}}"-->
[thanks, Stephane Bortzmeyer]
- More verbose error logging when you turn on the debug flags
- When reading the input file (and not using Apache::Filter), we use
a lexical variable for the filehandle, instead of the local(*IN)
we were using before.
- Compensates for changes in the rotation of the Earth after Jesse Ventura
is elected governor of my state.
1.97 Thu Oct 22 02:43:34 EDT 1998
- Fixed DOCUMENT_NAME, DOCUMENT_URI, and LAST_MODIFIED so they return information
about the document the user requested, not the document we're currently
processing (which might be an <!--#include-->'d file). Test 7 in real.t
witnesses the change.
This behavior is consistent with mod_include, and I think it's also desirable:
the browser shouldn't see the names of documents we're including.
[thanks, Bruce Hoylman]
- Now the three above ENV variables cache their results in the subprocess_env
table, which will speed things up if you call them repeatedly. This is similar
to mod_include, but mod_include puts them there at the _beginning_ of the
request, whereas I wait until they're asked for.
1.96 Fri Oct 16 20:10:54 EDT 1998
- Added a text() method for getting/setting the contents of the HTML.
This fixes a bug when used with Apache::SSIChain.
[thanks, John Armstrong]
1.95 Sun Oct 11 16:04:19 EDT 1998
- Doesn't rely on HTML::SimpleParse anymore to parse the HTML, but instead just
looks for <!--#.*?-->. This allows nesting: <img src="<!--#whatever-->">,
and it should be much faster. HTML::SimpleParse is still used to parse
the key-value pairs of attributes for SSI directives.
[Randal Schwartz, Rob Hartill]
- <!--#flastmod virtual="whatever"--> now works. [Rob Hartill]
- <!--#perl --> sections now pass $r as the first argument, and there
are two ways to turn off this behavior (PerlSetVar and named parameter).
- You can mix & match the "arg" and "args" parameters to <!--#perl-->
sections, like so:
<!--#perl sub=something arg="Hi, Ken" args=5,12,13 arg="Bye, Ken"-->
&main::something($r, "Hi, Ken", "5", "12", "13", "Bye, Ken");
- Added prototypes to several methods, which might conceivably speed them
up if the compiler can optimize around it.
- In ssi_set, removed workaround for mod_perl 1.12 bug.
1.94 Wed Oct 7 19:57:03 EDT 1998
- Apache::SSI can now be subclassed much more easily under mod_perl,
because it knows how to deal with PERL_METHOD_HANDLERS=1 scenarios.
See the docs' SUMMARY for more info.
- The tests have been moved into the t/ directory, and there's a new
real.t test that will start an apache server and fetch a few pages.
1.93 Wed Sep 23 15:53:21 EDT 1998
- You can now pass multiple arguments to a <!--#perl--> routine.
1.92 Sat Sep 19 01:55:50 EDT 1998
- Added a "return;" statement to the ssi_include routine. Avoids printing
an extraneous "1" in the served page. Don't know how I missed this
before. Thanks to Gil Vidals.
1.91 Sun Jun 28 17:49:29 EDT 1998
- In README and Makefile.PL, I've noted that mod_perl must be installed
before this module will work.
- I've updated everything so that it can use HTML::SimpleParse version 0.03,
which requires that each output_* function return its output rather than
print it.
1.90 Fri Jun 26 18:07:57 1998
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18. Actually a re-write of Doug
MacEachern's original version.
mod_include has this:
if (!(allow_options(r) & OPT_INCLUDES)) {
return DECLINED;