package Apache::SSI; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http OPT_INCNOEXEC); use File::Basename; use HTML::SimpleParse; use Symbol; use POSIX; $VERSION = '2.19'; my $debug = 0; sub handler($$) { my ($pack, $r) = @_>1 ? @_ : (__PACKAGE__, shift()); my $fh; if (lc($r->dir_config('Filter')) eq 'on') { $r = $r->filter_register; my ($status); ($fh, $status) = $r->filter_input(); return $status unless $status == OK; } else { my $file = $r->filename; unless (-e $file) { #unless (-e $r->finfo) { $r->log_error("$file not found"); return NOT_FOUND; } $fh = gensym; unless (open *{$fh}, $file) { $r->log_error("$file: $!"); return FORBIDDEN; } } $r->send_http_header; return OK if $r->header_only; do {local $/=undef; $pack->new( scalar(<$fh>), $r )}->output; return OK; } sub new { my ($pack, $text, $r) = @_; $pack = ref($pack) if ref($pack); return bless { 'text' => $text, '_r' => $r, 'suspend' => [0], 'if_state' => [1], # A stack reflecting the current state of if/else parser. # Each entry is 1 when we've seen a true condition in this if-chain, # 0 when we haven't. Initially it's as if we're in a big true # if-block with no else. 'errmsg' => "[an error occurred while processing this directive]", 'sizefmt' => 'abbrev', 'timefmt' => undef, # undef means the current locale's default }, $pack; } sub text { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{'text'} = shift; } return $self->{'text'}; } sub get_output { my $self = shift; my $out = ''; my $ssi; my @parts = split m/()/s, $self->{'text'}; while (@parts) { $out .= ('', shift @parts)[1-$self->{'suspend'}[0]]; last unless @parts; $ssi = shift @parts; # There's some weird 'uninitialized' warning on the next line, but I can't find it. if ($ssi =~ m/^$/s) { $out .= $self->output_ssi($1); } else { die 'Parse error' } } return $out; } sub output { my $self = shift; my @parts = split m/()/s, $self->{'text'}; while (@parts) { $self->{_r}->print( ('', shift @parts)[1-$self->{'suspend'}[0]] ); last unless @parts; my $ssi = shift @parts; if ($ssi =~ m/^$/s) { $self->{_r}->print( $self->output_ssi($1) ); } else { die 'Parse error' } } } sub output_ssi { my ($self, $text) = @_; if ($text =~ s/^(\w+)\s*//) { my $tag = $1; return if ($self->{'suspend'}[0] and not $tag =~ /^(if|elif|else|endif)/); my $method = lc "ssi_$tag"; local $HTML::SimpleParse::FIX_CASE = -1; my $args = [ HTML::SimpleParse->parse_args($text) ]; return $self->$method( {@$args}, $args ); } return ''; } sub ssi_if { my ($self, $args) = @_; unshift @{$self->{if_state}}, 0; unshift @{$self->{suspend}}, $self->{suspend}[0]; return '' if $self->{suspend}[0]; return $self->_handle_ifs( $self->_eval_vars($args->{'expr'}) ); } sub ssi_elif { my ($self, $args) = @_; # Make sure we're in an 'if' chain return $self->error("Malformed if..endif SSI structure") unless @{$self->{if_state}} > 1; return '' if $self->{suspend}[1]; return $self->_handle_ifs( $self->_eval_vars($args->{'expr'}) ); } sub ssi_else { my $self = shift; # Make sure we're in an 'if' chain return $self->error("Malformed if..endif SSI structure") unless @{$self->{if_state}} > 1; return '' if $self->{suspend}[1]; return $self->_handle_ifs(1); } sub ssi_endif { my $self = shift; # Make sure we're in an 'if' chain return $self->error("Malformed if..endif SSI structure") unless @{$self->{if_state}} > 1; shift @{$self->{if_state}}; shift @{$self->{suspend}}; return ''; } sub _handle_ifs { my $self = shift; my $cond = shift; if ($self->{if_state}[0]) { $self->{suspend}[0] = 1; } else { $self->{suspend}[0] = !($self->{if_state}[0] = !!$cond); } return ''; } sub ssi_include { my ($self, $args) = @_; unless (exists $args->{file} or exists $args->{virtual}) { return $self->error("No 'file' or 'virtual' attribute found in SSI 'include' tag"); } my $subr = $self->find_file($args); # Subrequests can fuck up %ENV, make sure it's restored upon exit. # Unfortunately 'local(%ENV)=%ENV' reportedly causes segfaults. my %save_ENV = %ENV; if ( $subr->status == HTTP_OK ) { $subr->run == OK or $self->error("Include of '@{[$subr->filename()]}' failed: $!"); } %ENV = %save_ENV; return ''; } sub ssi_fsize { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $size = -s $self->find_file($args)->filename(); if ($self->{'sizefmt'} eq 'bytes') { return $size; } elsif ($self->{'sizefmt'} eq 'abbrev') { return " 0k" unless $size; return " 1k" if $size < 1024; return sprintf("%4dk", ($size + 512)/1024) if $size < 1048576; return sprintf("%4.1fM", $size/1048576.0) if $size < 103809024; return sprintf("%4dM", ($size + 524288)/1048576); } else { $self->error("Unrecognized size format '$self->{'sizefmt'}'"); return ''; } } sub ssi_flastmod { my($self, $args) = @_; return $self->_lastmod( $self->find_file($args)->filename(), $args->{'timefmt'} || $self->{'timefmt'} ); } sub find_file { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $req; if (exists $args->{'file'}) { $self->_interp_vars($args->{'file'}); $req = $self->{_r}->lookup_file($args->{'file'}); } elsif (exists $args->{'virtual'}) { $self->_interp_vars($args->{'virtual'}); $req = $self->{_r}->lookup_uri($args->{'virtual'}); } else { $req = $self->{_r}; } return $req; } sub ssi_printenv() { return join "", map( {"$_: $ENV{$_}
\n"} keys %ENV ); } sub ssi_exec { my($self, $args) = @_; #XXX did we check enough? my $r = $self->{_r}; my $filename = $r->filename; if ($r->allow_options & OPT_INCNOEXEC) { $self->error("httpd: exec used but not allowed in $filename"); return ""; } return scalar `$args->{cmd}` if exists $args->{cmd}; unless (exists $args->{cgi}) { $self->error("No 'cmd' or 'cgi' argument given to #exec"); return ''; } # Okay, we're doing $subref = eval($sub); if ($@) { $self->error("Perl eval of '$sub' failed: $@") if $self->{_r}; warn("Perl eval of '$sub' failed: $@") unless $self->{_r}; # For offline mode } return $self->error("sub=\"sub ...\" didn't return a reference") unless ref $subref; } else { # for no strict('refs'); $subref = (defined &{$sub} ? \&{$sub} : defined &{"${sub}::handler"} ? \&{"${sub}::handler"} : \&{"main::$sub"}); } $pass_r = 0 if $self->{_r} and lc $self->{_r}->dir_config('SSIPerlPass_Request') eq 'no'; unshift @arg1, $self->{_r} if $pass_r; warn "sub is $subref, args are @arg1 & @arg2" if $debug; return scalar &{ $subref }(@arg1, @arg2); } sub ssi_set { my ($self, $args) = @_; $self->_interp_vars($args->{value}); $self->{_r}->subprocess_env( $args->{var}, $args->{value} ); return ''; } sub ssi_config { my ($self, $args) = @_; $self->{'errmsg'} = $args->{'errmsg'} if exists $args->{'errmsg'}; $self->{'sizefmt'} = lc $args->{'sizefmt'} if exists $args->{'sizefmt'}; $self->{'timefmt'} = $args->{'timefmt'} if exists $args->{'timefmt'}; return ''; } sub ssi_echo { my($self, $args) = @_; my $var = $args->{var}; $self->_interp_vars($var); my $value; no strict('refs'); if (exists $ENV{$var}) { return $ENV{$var}; } elsif ( defined ($value = $self->{_r}->subprocess_env($var)) ) { return $value; } elsif ($self->can(my $method = "echo_$var")) { return $self->$method($self->{_r}); } return ''; } sub echo_DATE_GMT { shift()->_format_time(time(), undef, 'GMT') } sub echo_DATE_LOCAL { shift()->_format_time(time() ) } sub echo_DOCUMENT_NAME { shift(); my $r = _2main(shift); return &_set_VAR($r, 'DOCUMENT_NAME', basename $r->filename); } sub echo_DOCUMENT_URI { shift(); my $r = _2main(shift); return &_set_VAR($r, 'DOCUMENT_URI', $r->uri); } sub echo_LAST_MODIFIED { my ($self, $r) = (shift(), _2main(shift)); return &_set_VAR($r, 'LAST_MODIFIED', $self->_lastmod($r->filename)); } sub _set_VAR { $_[0]->subprocess_env($_[1], $_[2]); return $_[2]; } sub _eval_vars { my $self = shift; my $text = shift; $text =~ s{ (^|[^\\]) (\\\\)* \$(\{)?(\w+)(\})? } { $1 . substr($2,length($2)/2) . "\${ \\(\$self->ssi_echo({var=>'$4'})) }" }exg; #; For poor BBEdit because of that last line package main; # In case they're running functions my $result = eval $text; $self->error("Eval error: $@") if $@; return $result; } sub _interp_vars { # Find all $var and ${var} expressions in the string and fill them in. my $self = shift; my ($a,$b,$c); # Because ssi_echo may change $1, $2, ... $_[0] =~ s{ (^|[^\\]) (\\\\)* \$(\{)?(\w+)(\})? } { ($a,$b,$c) = ($1,$2,$4); $a . substr($b,length($b)/2) . $self->ssi_echo({var=>$c}) }exg; } # This might be better for _interp_vars: #sub _interp_vars { # local $_ = shift; # my $out; # # while (1) { # # if ( /\G([^\\\$]+)/gc ) { # $out .= $1; # # } elsif ( /\G(\\\\)+/gc ) { # $out .= '\\' x (length($1)/2); # # } elsif ( /\G\\([^\$])/gc ) { # $out .= &escape_char($1); # # } elsif ( /\G\$(\w+)/gc ) { # $out .= &lookup($1); # # } elsif ( /\G\$\{(\w+)\}/gc ) { # $out .= &lookup($1); # # } else { # last; # } # } # $out; #} sub error { my $self = shift; print $self->{'errmsg'}; $self->{_r}->log_error($_[0]) if @_ and $self->{_r}; return ''; } sub _2main { $_[0]->is_main() ? $_[0] : $_[0]->main() } sub _format_time { my ($self, $time, $format, $tzone) = @_; $format ||= $self->{timefmt}; return ($format ? POSIX::strftime($format, $self->_time_args($time, $tzone)) : scalar $self->_time_args($time, $tzone)); } sub _time_args { # This routine must respect the caller's wantarray() context. my ($self, $time, $zone) = @_; return ($zone && $zone =~ /GMT/) ? gmtime($time) : localtime($time); } sub _lastmod { my ($self, $file, $format) = @_; return $self->_format_time((stat $file)[9], $format); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Apache::SSI - Implement Server Side Includes in Perl =head1 SYNOPSIS In httpd.conf: # or whatever SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler Apache::SSI You may wish to subclass Apache::SSI for your own extensions. If so, compile mod_perl with PERL_METHOD_HANDLERS=1 (so you can use object-oriented inheritance), and create a module like this: package MySSI; use Apache::SSI (); @ISA = qw(Apache::SSI); #embedded syntax: # sub ssi_something { my($self, $attr) = @_; my $cmd = $attr->{param}; ... return $a_string; } Then in httpd.conf: SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler MySSI =head1 DESCRIPTION Apache::SSI implements the functionality of mod_include for handling server-parsed html documents. It runs under Apache's mod_perl. In my mind, there are two main reasons you might want to use this module: you can sub-class it to implement your own custom SSI directives, and/or you can parse the output of other mod_perl handlers, or send the SSI output through another handler (use Apache::Filter to do this). Each SSI directive is handled by an Apache::SSI method with the prefix "ssi_". For example, is handled by the ssi_printenv method. attribute=value pairs inside the SSI tags are parsed and passed to the method in a hash reference. 'Echo' directives are handled by the ssi_echo method, which delegates lookup to methods with the prefix "echo_". For instance, is handled by the echo_DOCUMENT_NAME method. You can customize behavior by inheriting from Apache::SSI and overriding 'ssi_*' and 'echo_*' methods, or writing new ones. =head2 SSI Directives This module supports the same directives as mod_include. At least, that's the goal. =) For methods listed below but not documented, please see mod_include's online documentation at . =over 4 =item * config =item * echo =item * exec =item * fsize =item * flastmod =item * include =item * printenv =item * set =item * perl There are two ways to call a Perl function, and two ways to supply it with arguments. The function can be specified either as an anonymous subroutine reference, or as the name of a function defined elsewhere: If the 'sub' argument matches the regular expression /^\s*sub[^\w:]/, it is assumed to be a subroutine reference. Otherwise it's assumed to be the name of a function. In the latter case, the string "main::" will be prepended to the function name if the name doesn't contain "::" (this forces the function to be in the main package, or a package you specify). Note that it's a pretty bad idea to put your code in the main package, so I only halfheartedly endorse this feature. In general, it will be slower to use anonymous subroutines, because each one has to be eval()'ed and there is no caching. For best results, pre-load any code you need in the parent process, then call it by name. If you're calling a subroutine like "&Package::SubPack::handler", you can omit the "handler" portion, making your directive like this: If you want to supply a list of arguments to the function, you use either the "arg" or the "args" parameter: The "args" parameter will simply split on commas, meaning that currently there's no way to embed a comma in arguments passed via the "args" parameter. Use the "arg" parameter for this. If you give a key-value pair and the key is not 'sub', 'arg', 'args', or 'pass_request' (see below), then your routine will be passed B the key and the value. This lets you pass a hash of key-value pairs to your function: Will call &holy::matrimony('groom', 'Hi', 'bride', 'Lois'); As of version 1.95, we pass the current Apache request object ($r) as the first argument to the function. To turn off this behavior, give the key-value pair 'pass_request=no', or put 'PerlSetVar SSIPerlPass_Request no' in your server's config file. See C for more information on Perl SSI calls. =item * if =item * elif =item * else =item * endif These four directives can be used just like in C, with one important difference: the boolean expression is evaluated using Perl's eval(). This means you use C<==> or C instead of C<=> to test equality. It also means you can use pre-loaded Perl subroutines in the conditions: This movie is by the Coen Brothers. This movie is not by the Coen Brothers. It can't handle very sophistocated Perl though, because it manually looks for variables (of the form $var or ${var}, just like C), and will get tripped up on expressions like $object->method or $hash{'key'}. I'll welcome any suggestions for how to allow arbitrary Perl expressions while still filling in Apache variables. =back =head1 CHAINING HANDLERS There are two fairly simple ways for this module to exist in a stacked handler chain. The first uses C, and your httpd.conf would look something like this: PerlModule Apache::Filter PerlModule Apache::SSI PerlModule My::BeforeSSI PerlModule My::AfterSSI SetHandler perl-script PerlSetVar Filter On PerlHandler My::BeforeSSI Apache::SSI My::AfterSSI The C<"PerlSetVar Filter On"> directive tells the three stacked handlers that they should use their filtering mode. It's mandatory. The second uses C, and your httpd.conf would look something like this: PerlModule Apache::OutputChain PerlModule Apache::SSIChain PerlModule My::BeforeSSI PerlModule My::AfterSSI SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler Apache::OutputChain My::AfterSSI Apache::SSIChain My::BeforeSSI Note that the order of handlers is reversed in the two different methods. One reason I wrote C is to get the order to be more intuitive. Another reason is that C itself can be used in a handler stack using C, whereas it needs to be wrapped in C to be used with C. Please see the documentation for C and C for more specific information. And look at the note in CAVEATS too. =head1 CAVEATS * When chaining handlers via Apache::Filter, if you use or , then Apache::SSI must be the last filter in the chain. This is because Apache::SSI uses $r->lookup_uri(...)->run to include the files, and this sends the output through C's stdout rather than Perl's STDOUT. Thus Apache::Filter can't catch it and filter it. If Apache::SSI is the last filter in the chain, or if you stick to simpler SSI directives like , , etc. you'll be fine. * Currently, the way looks for variables is to first try $r->subprocess_env, then try %ENV, then the five extra environment variables mod_include supplies. Is this the correct order? =head1 TO DO Revisit and see what else there I can implement. It would be nice to have a "PerlSetVar ASSI_Subrequests 0|1" option that would let you choose between executing a full-blown subrequest when including a file, or just opening it and printing it. I'd like to know how to use Apache::test for the real.t test. =head1 SEE ALSO mod_include, mod_perl(3), Apache(3), HTML::Embperl(3), Apache::ePerl(3), Apache::OutputChain(3) =head1 AUTHOR Ken Williams Concept based on original version by Doug MacEachern . Implementation different. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 1998 Swarthmore College. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut