Revision history for Perl extension Statistics::Contingency.
0.04 Wed Sep 18 19:06:01 AEST 2002
- A precision edge case has been changed. Now, if no categories were
assigned, and some categories should have been assigned, the
precision is returned as 0. Previous versions returned 1. This
edge case isn't discussed in the literature I've seen. Note that
with this change, the macro-precision will typically be reported as
a lower number than before (but the micro-precision usually won't
change). Recall and F1 aren't affected by this change (they're
both still 0), nor are error and accuracy.
- Tests have been added to ensure the above changes stick.
0.03 Wed Aug 7 23:53 AEST 2002
- Corrected some documentation errors
- Added Params::Validate to the dependency list in Makefile.PL
0.02 Fri Jul 19 13:53:00 2002
- Calling add_result() will now delete any cached calculations, so you
can check the various metrics while you add results iteratively.
0.01 Mon Jun 24 13:34:40 2002
- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
-XA -n Statistics::Contingency