0.010 2017-02-10
- Reduce how much of Test2 we import (JRaspass)
- Removed 5.8 from travis a Devel::Cover does not work (Jraspass), Scientist itself works OK
- Increase testing via travis to 5.24 and 5.26 (Jraspass)
- Test2::Bundle::Extended is deprecated and replaced with Test2::V0 (Manwar)
- Documentation tidy-up (Manwar)
- Generate MetaJSON automaticall (Manwar)
0.009 2016-xx-xx
- ** This release needs documenting...sorry. **
0.008 2016-04-27
- Fix regression where candidate code was not in eval{}
- Test2 over Test::More
- Use more Dzil modules
- Documentation clean up
- Welcoming Joshua Keroes as contributor
0.007 2016-03-25
- Add matched/mismatched
- Add observation
- Add observation{candidate}
- Add observation{control}
- Add observation{diagnostic}
0.006 2016-02-22
- Scientist understands perl list/scalar context when run called
- Publish added (With documentation/test showing how to extend)
- Control and Candidate code called in random order
0.005 2016-02-19
- Add context, a hash ref returned in the result set
- Add enabled, default is true
- Add experiment as member of result set.
- Extend the pod
0.004 2016-02-17
- Add duration timing to result set.
0.003 2016-02-16
- Improve/fix tests and change code structure.
- Documentation and Distzilla.
0.002 2016-02-14
- Mainly addition of automated testing.
0.001 2016-02-13
- Initial release.