#    Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 TU Clausthal, Institut fuer Maschinenwesen, Joachim Langenbach
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Pod::Weaver infos
# PODNAME: fm_create_help
# ABSTRACT: Walks through an installation and tries to extract all options with informations into a database

use strict;
use POSIX;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Archive::Zip qw/ :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS/;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use IO::HTML;
use XML::LibXML;
use Tie::File;
use Term::ProgressBar;
use DBI;
#use utf8;
use File::Find;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use CAD::Firemen;
use CAD::Firemen::Common qw(
use CAD::Firemen::Load qw(loadCDB);
use CAD::Firemen::ParseHelp::Wildfire5 qw(extractHelpWildfire5);
use CAD::Firemen::ParseHelp::Creo3 qw(extractHelpCreo3);

sub localeToLang {
  my $locale = shift;
  if(!defined($locale) || $locale eq ""){
    return "";
  my %languages = ("en_US" => "usascii", "de_DE" => "german");
    return $languages{$locale};
  return "";

our $locale = "en_US";
our $zipUrl = "";
our $tocUrl = "";
sub findHelpUrls{
  my $file = $File::Find::name;
  my $regex = "(?:\|/)(?:pma|proe)_help_". substr($locale, 0, 2) .".zip\$";
  if(($zipUrl eq "") && ($file =~ m/$regex/i)){
    $zipUrl = $file;
    testPassed("Found help archive (". $zipUrl .")");
  elsif($tocUrl eq ""){
    $regex = "toc/". $locale .".xml\$";
    if($file =~ m/$regex/i){
      $tocUrl = $file;
      testPassed("Found help toc (". $tocUrl .")");
      my $language = localeToLang($locale);
      if($language ne ""){
        $regex = "(?:\|/)". $language ."/pma_sx.js\$";
        if(($tocUrl eq "") && ($file =~ m/$regex/i)){
          my ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($file);
          $tocUrl = File::Spec->canonpath( $path ."/../../");
          testPassed("Found help in creo 3 format (". $tocUrl .")");
          $zipUrl = "";

my $showVersion = 0;
my $verbose = 0;
my $outputFile = "";
my $crossfire = 0;
my $notepad = 0;
my $dbh = undef;

Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling", "auto_help");
  'version' => \$showVersion,
  'verbose|v:i' => \$verbose,
  'output|o:s' => \$outputFile,
  'locale|l:s' => \$locale,
  'crossfire|c' => \$crossfire,
  'notepad|n' => \$notepad


my $structUrl = shift;

  $structUrl = getInstallationPath();

if(!defined($structUrl) || $structUrl eq ""){

if($locale !~ m/[a-z]{2}_[A-Z]{2}/){
  print "Please specify a valid locale like en_US\n";
  exit 1;

if($crossfire && $outputFile eq ""){
  print "Please specify an output file with help of --output\n";

if($notepad && !-d $outputFile){
  print "Please specify an existend output directory with help of --output\n";

# get most upper folder (root folder) of creo or proe
my $rootUrl = $structUrl;
$rootUrl =~ s/^(.+(?:creo|proe)[^(?:\\|\/)]+).{0,}/$1/gi;
if(!-d $rootUrl){
  print $rootUrl ."\n";
  testFailed("Extract root Url");
  exit 1;

my $cdbUrl = getInstallationConfigCdb($structUrl);
my ($refOptions, $refErrors) = loadCDB($cdbUrl);
my %cdbOptions = %{$refOptions};
my %cdbErrors = %{$refErrors};
  if($verbose > 0){
    testFailed("Load CDB");
  if($verbose > 1){
    print "Errors while parsing ". $cdbUrl .":\n";
    my @lines = sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%cdbErrors);
    my $max = length($lines[scalar(@lines) - 1]);
    foreach my $line (@lines){
      printColored(sprintf("%". $max ."s", $line) .": ". $cdbErrors{$line} ."\n", "red");
  exit 1;

# find files
find(\&findHelpUrls, $rootUrl);
if(!-e $tocUrl){
  testFailed("Found help archive");
  exit 1;
if(!-e $zipUrl && $verbose > 1){
  print "Found help in extracted format\n";

# extract info for every option
my %optionsInfo = ();
my %optionsValue = ();
my %optionsDefault = ();
my %errors = ();
if($zipUrl ne ""){
    my ($optionsInfoRef, $optionsValueRef, $optionsDefaultRef, $errorsRef) = extractHelpWildfire5($tocUrl, "", \%cdbOptions, $verbose, $zipUrl);
    %optionsInfo = %{$optionsInfoRef};
    %optionsValue = %{$optionsValueRef};
    %optionsDefault = %{$optionsDefaultRef};
    %errors = %{$errorsRef};
    my ($optionsInfoRef, $optionsValueRef, $optionsDefaultRef, $errorsRef) = extractHelpCreo3($tocUrl, localeToLang($locale), \%cdbOptions, $verbose);
    %optionsInfo = %{$optionsInfoRef};
    %optionsValue = %{$optionsValueRef};
    %optionsDefault = %{$optionsDefaultRef};
    %errors = %{$errorsRef};
my $foundOptionsInHelp = scalar(keys(%optionsInfo));

if(scalar(keys(%errors)) > 0){
  print2ColsRightAligned("Collecting infos ", scalar(keys(%errors)) ." errors", "yellow");
  if($verbose > 0){
    my $max = maxLength(keys(%errors)) + 2;
    foreach my $opt (sort(keys(%errors))){
      print sprintf("%-". $max ."s", $opt .": ") . $errors{$opt} ."\n";

  # create the output in format of crossfire
  my $CROSS;
  if(!open($CROSS, ">", $outputFile)){
    testFailed("Creating crossfire help");
    exit 1;

  # insert header
  if($structUrl =~ m/^.+((?:creo|proe)[^(?:\\|\/)]+).{0,}/i){
    print $CROSS "#####################################\n";
    print $CROSS "#\n";
    print $CROSS "# For ". $1 ."; Created with CAD::Firemen-". $CAD::Firemen::VERSION ." on ". strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime()) ."\n";
    print $CROSS "#\n";
    print $CROSS "#####################################\n";

  # insert all found options into the file
  # we use cdbOptions here as base, to catch also those options, which we have not found at the documentation
  my $max = scalar(keys(%cdbOptions));
  my $progress = Term::ProgressBar->new({name => "Inserting data", count => $max});
  my $i = 0;
  foreach my $opt (sort(keys(%cdbOptions))){
    # insert option
    print $CROSS lc($opt) ."\n";

    # insert values
    my @keys = keys(%{$cdbOptions{$opt}});
    if(scalar(@keys) < 1 || !$keys[0]){
    my $ref = $cdbOptions{$opt}->{$keys[0]};
    my @values = ();
    foreach my $value (keys(%{$ref})){
      # insert default value hint
      if(exists($optionsDefault{$opt}) && ($value eq $optionsDefault{$opt})){
        $value .= " (default)";
      push(@values, $value);
    print $CROSS join(", ", @values) ."\n";

    # description
      print $CROSS $optionsInfo{$opt} ."\n"
    # option finisher
    print $CROSS "***\n";

  if($i < $max){
  # compute file name
  my $file = "";
  my $version = "";
  if($structUrl =~ m/^.+((?:creo|proe)[^(?:\\|\/)]+).{0,}/i){
    $version = $1;
    $version =~ s/\s//g;
    $version =~ s/\./_/g;
  my $fileAPI = $outputFile ."/". $version .".xml";
  my $fileUDL = $outputFile ."/". $version ."-udl.xml";

  # creating the API auto complete file
  # (Should be placed in plugins/API)
  my $docAPI = XML::LibXML::Document->new("1.0", "UTF-8");
   # creating the user defined language file
  # (Must be imported at the UDL Dialog at View-> User defined languages)
  my $docUDL = XML::LibXML::Document->new("1.0", "UTF-8");

  # prepare docAPI
  my $root = $docAPI->createElement("NotepadPlus");
  # insert header comment
  my $elem = $docAPI->createComment("\@author Firemen\n \@version ". strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime()) ."\n");
  my $autoc = $docAPI->createElement("AutoComplete");
  $autoc->setAttribute("language", $version);
  $elem = $docAPI->createElement("Environment");
  $elem->setAttribute("ignoreCase", "yes");
  $elem->setAttribute("startFunc", " ");
  $elem->setAttribute("stopFunc", "");

  # prepare docUDL
  $root = $docUDL->createElement("NotepadPlus");
  my $udl = $docUDL->createElement("UserLang");
  $udl->setAttribute("name", $version);
  my $versionNum = $version;
  $versionNum =~ s/[^\d]//g;
  $udl->setAttribute("ext", "proe". $versionNum);

  my $settings = $docUDL->createElement("Settings");
  $elem = $docUDL->createElement("Global");
  $elem->setAttribute("caseIgnored", "yes");
  $elem = $docUDL->createElement("TreatAsSymbol");
  $elem->setAttribute("comment", "no");
  $elem->setAttribute("commentLine", "no");
  $elem = $docUDL->createElement("Prefix");
  $elem->setAttribute("words1", "no");
  $elem->setAttribute("words2", "no");
  $elem->setAttribute("words3", "no");
  $elem->setAttribute("words4", "no");
  my $keywordLists = $docUDL->createElement("KeywordLists");
  $elem = $docUDL->createElement("Keywords");
  $elem->setAttribute("name", "Delimiters");
  $elem = $docUDL->createElement("Keywords");
  $elem->setAttribute("name", "Folder+");
  $elem = $docUDL->createElement("Keywords");
  $elem->setAttribute("name", "Folder-");
  $elem = $docUDL->createElement("Keywords");
  $elem->setAttribute("name", "Operators");
  $elem = $docUDL->createElement("Keywords");
  $elem->setAttribute("name", "Comment");
  $elem->appendText("1 2 0!");
  my $words1 = $docUDL->createElement("Keywords");
  $words1->setAttribute("name", "Words1");
  $elem = $docUDL->createElement("Keywords");
  $elem->setAttribute("name", "Words2");
  $elem = $docUDL->createElement("Keywords");
  $elem->setAttribute("name", "Words3");
  $elem = $docUDL->createElement("Keywords");
  $elem->setAttribute("name", "Words4");
  my $styles = $docUDL->createElement("Styles");
  my @wordStyles = (
      "name" => "DEFAULT",
      "styleID" => 11,
      "fgColor" => "000000",
      "bgColor" => "FFFFFF",
      "fontName" => "",
      "fontStyle" => 0,
      "fontSize" => 10
      "name" => "FOLDEROPEN",
      "styleID" => 12,
      "fgColor" => "000000",
      "bgColor" => "FFFFFF",
      "fontName" => "",
      "fontStyle" => 0
      "name" => "FOLDERCLOSE",
      "styleID" => 13,
      "fgColor" => "000000",
      "bgColor" => "FFFFFF",
      "fontName" => "",
      "fontStyle" => 0
      "name" => "KEYWORD1",
      "styleID" => 5,
      "fgColor" => "0000FF",
      "bgColor" => "FFFFFF",
      "fontName" => "",
      "fontStyle" => 1
      "name" => "KEYWORD2",
      "styleID" => 6,
      "fgColor" => "000000",
      "bgColor" => "FFFFFF",
      "fontName" => "",
      "fontStyle" => 0
      "name" => "KEYWORD3",
      "styleID" => 7,
      "fgColor" => "000000",
      "bgColor" => "FFFFFF",
      "fontName" => "",
      "fontStyle" => 0
      "name" => "KEYWORD4",
      "styleID" => 8,
      "fgColor" => "000000",
      "bgColor" => "FFFFFF",
      "fontName" => "",
      "fontStyle" => 0
      "name" => "COMMENT",
      "styleID" => 1,
      "fgColor" => "000000",
      "bgColor" => "FFFFFF",
      "fontName" => "",
      "fontStyle" => 0
      "name" => "COMMENT LINE",
      "styleID" => 2,
      "fgColor" => "808040",
      "bgColor" => "FFFFFF",
      "fontName" => "",
      "fontStyle" => 0
      "name" => "NUMBER",
      "styleID" => 4,
      "fgColor" => "000000",
      "bgColor" => "FFFFFF",
      "fontName" => "",
      "fontStyle" => 0
      "name" => "OPERATOR",
      "styleID" => 10,
      "fgColor" => "000000",
      "bgColor" => "FFFFFF",
      "fontName" => "",
      "fontStyle" => 0
      "name" => "DELIMINER1",
      "styleID" => 14,
      "fgColor" => "000000",
      "bgColor" => "FFFFFF",
      "fontName" => "",
      "fontStyle" => 0
      "name" => "DELIMINER2",
      "styleID" => 15,
      "fgColor" => "000000",
      "bgColor" => "FFFFFF",
      "fontName" => "",
      "fontStyle" => 0
      "name" => "DELIMINER3",
      "styleID" => 16,
      "fgColor" => "000000",
      "bgColor" => "FFFFFF",
      "fontName" => "",
      "fontStyle" => 0
  foreach my $refStyle (@wordStyles){
    $elem = $docUDL->createElement("WordsStyle");
    foreach my $key (keys(%{$refStyle})){
      $elem->setAttribute($key, $refStyle->{$key});

  # insert all found options into the file
  # we use cdbOptions here as base, to catch also those options, which we have not found at the documentation
  my $max = scalar(keys(%cdbOptions));
  my $progress = Term::ProgressBar->new({name => "Inserting data", count => $max});
  my $i = 0;
  my @words1Words = ();
  foreach my $opt (sort(keys(%cdbOptions))){
    # insert option
    my $keyword = $docAPI->createElement("KeyWord");
    $keyword->setAttribute("name", lc($opt));
    $keyword->setAttribute("func", "yes");

    push(@words1Words, lc($opt));

    my $description = "";
    # description
      $description = $optionsInfo{$opt};

    # insert values
    my @keys = keys(%{$cdbOptions{$opt}});
    if(scalar(@keys) < 1 || !$keys[0]){
    my $ref = $cdbOptions{$opt}->{$keys[0]};
    my @values = ();
    foreach my $value (keys(%{$ref})){
      # treat every value as an overload of the function, because only one value can be choosen
      my $overload = $docAPI->createElement("Overload");
      $overload->setAttribute("retVal", "void");
      $overload->setAttribute("descr", $description);
      $elem = $docAPI->createElement("Param");
      $elem->setAttribute("name", $value);

  if($i < $max){
  $words1->appendText(join(" ", @words1Words));

  if(!$docAPI->toFile($fileAPI, 1)){
    testFailed("Creating notepad files");
    exit 1;
  if(!$docUDL->toFile($fileUDL, 1)){
    testFailed("Creating notepad files");
    exit 1;
  if($verbose > 0){
    print "Please copy ". $fileAPI ." into plugins\\APIs at the Notepad directory.\n";
    print "Afterwards start Notepad go to View --> User defined languages, and import ". $fileUDL ."\n";
    print "On next restart of Notepad, you can choose your proe version as a lanuage and\n";
    print "you'll get syntex highlighting and auto completion\n";
  # creating the database
  $dbh = dbConnect($structUrl, $verbose);
    testFailed("Creating database");
    exit 1;
  # quietly drop the table if it already existed
  my $errorString = "";
  my @tables = qw(options options_values options_has_values);
  foreach my $table (@tables){
    if(!defined($dbh->do("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ". $table))){
      $errorString = "Could not drop table ". $table;
  if($errorString ne ""){
    testFailed("Creating database");
    if($verbose > 0){
      print $errorString ."\n";
    exit 1;
  # (re)create it
  if(!defined($dbh->do("CREATE TABLE options (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(250), defaultValueId INTEGER, description TEXT)"))){
    $errorString = "Could not create the database table options";
  if(!defined($dbh->do("CREATE TABLE options_values (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(250))"))){
    $errorString = "Could not create the database table options_values";
  if(!defined($dbh->do("CREATE TABLE options_has_values (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, optionsId INTEGER, valuesId INTEGER)"))){
    $errorString = "Could not create the database table options_has_values";
  if($errorString ne ""){
    testFailed("Creating database");
    if($verbose > 0){
      print $errorString ."\n";
    exit 1;

  # insert all found options into the database
  # we use cdbOptions here as base, to catch also those options, which we have not found at the documentation
  my $max = scalar(keys(%cdbOptions));
  my $progress = Term::ProgressBar->new({name => "Inserting data", count => $max});
  my $i = 0;
  foreach my $opt (sort(keys(%cdbOptions))){
    my $info = "";
      $info = $optionsInfo{$opt};
    $info = $dbh->quote($info);
    $dbh->do("INSERT INTO options VALUES (NULL, '". $opt ."', NULL, ". $info .")");
    my $ref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT id FROM options WHERE name='$opt'");
    if(!defined($ref) || scalar(@{$ref}) != 1){
      $errorString = "Could not insert option ". $opt ." (Select failed)\nDescription: ". $info;
    my $optionId = $ref->[0]->[0];
    if($optionId < 1){
      $errorString = "Could not insert option ". $opt ." (Id < 1)";
    my @keys = keys(%{$cdbOptions{$opt}});
    if(scalar(@keys) < 1 || !$keys[0]){
    $ref = $cdbOptions{$opt}->{$keys[0]};
    foreach my $value (keys(%{$ref})){
      # check if value already exists
      $ref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT id FROM options_values WHERE name='$value'");
      my $valueId = 0;
      if(defined($ref) && (scalar(@{$ref}) == 1)){
        $valueId = $ref->[0]->[0];
        $dbh->do("INSERT INTO options_values VALUES (NULL, '$value')");
        $ref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT id FROM options_values WHERE name='$value'");
        if(!defined($ref) || scalar(@{$ref}) != 1){
          $errorString = "Could not insert value ". $value ." of option ". $opt;
        $valueId = $ref->[0]->[0];
      if($valueId < 1){
        $errorString = "Could not insert value ". $value ." of option ". $opt;
      # insert the relation and if default value insert defaultId
      if(!defined($dbh->do("INSERT INTO options_has_values VALUES (NULL, '$optionId', '$valueId')"))){
        $errorString = "Could not create relation between option ". $opt ." and value ". $value;
      if(exists($optionsDefault{$opt}) && ($value eq $optionsDefault{$opt})){
        if(!defined($dbh->do("UPDATE options SET defaultValueId='$valueId' WHERE id='$optionId'"))){
          $errorString = "Could not update option ". $opt ." to add default value ". $value;
    if($i % 10 == 0){
        $errorString = "Could not commit changes";
  # finish commit (if at last item $i % 10 is not 0)
  if($i < $max){

  if($errorString ne ""){
    testFailed("Creating database");
    if($verbose > 0){
      print $errorString ."\n";
    exit 1;

# print some statistics
if($verbose > 0){
  my $countOptions = scalar(keys(%cdbOptions));
  # do not count all those options, which have -Fs as value
  my $ignoredFs = 0;
  # we use the first entry here, because in CDB file, all options should be
  # only there one time
  foreach my $opt (keys(%cdbOptions)){
    my @keys = keys(%{$cdbOptions{$opt}});
    if(scalar(@keys) > 0){
        foreach my $value (keys(%{$cdbOptions{$opt}->{$keys[0]}})){
          if($value eq "( -Fs )"){
  my $countOptionsDefaultValues = $countOptions - $ignoredFs;

  print "\n\n";
  print "Statistics:\n";

  my %statistics = ();
  $statistics{"Options in cdb"} = buildStatistic("Options in cdb", $countOptions, $countOptions);
  $statistics{"Options in Help"} = buildStatistic("Options in Help", $foundOptionsInHelp, $countOptions);
  $statistics{"Default values"} = buildStatistic("Default values", scalar(keys(%optionsDefault)), $countOptionsDefaultValues);
  $statistics{"Descriptions"} = buildStatistic("Descriptions", scalar(keys(%optionsInfo)), $countOptions);

  my $maxLen = maxLength(keys(%statistics)) + 2;
  foreach my $stat (keys(%statistics)){
    print sprintf("%-". $maxLen ."s", $stat) . $statistics{$stat} ."\n";
  print "Ignored ". $ignoredFs ." Options with value -Fs to calculate percentage of Default values\n";

  if(defined($dbh) && ($dbh != 0) && !$dbh->disconnect){
    print "Could not disconnect from database!\n";
    print "Error: ". $DBI::errstr;
    exit 1;

exit 0;



=head1 NAME

fm_create_help - Walks through an installation and tries to extract all options with informations into a database

=head1 VERSION

version 0.7.2


fm_create_help [options] [PATH_TO_INSTALLATION]


  --help             -?   Prints this help.
  --version               Prints current version.
  --verbose          -v   The verbose level. 0 - least output, 2 most output (Default: 0).
  --output           -o   Optional filepath to store the created data.
  --locale           -l   The locale which should be used (Default en_US).
  --crossfire        -c   Store the output in the format of Crossfire. Set file with --output.
  --notepad          -n   Create some Notepad++ help files. Set directory with --output.

If no PATH_TO_INSTALLATION is given, it tries to figure out the correct path with help of $ENV{PATH}.




This script parses a option database (cdb file) and afterwards, it tries
to collect more information with help of the delivered html help. The collected
data is stored in an SQLite Database afterwards. The structure is as shown below.

                                                    | options_has_values       |
  |==========================|                      | id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY  |
  | options                  |                      |--------------------------|
  |==========================|          |---------->| optionsId INTEGER        |
  | id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY  | ---------|           |--------------------------|
  |--------------------------|                |---->| valuesId INTEGER         |
  | name VARCHAR(250)        |                |     |==========================|
  |--------------------------|                |
  | defaultValueId INTEGER   |<---------------|
  |--------------------------|                |     |==========================|
  | description TEXT         |                |     | options_values           |
  |==========================|                |     |==========================|
                                              ------| id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY  |
                                                    | name VARCHAR(250)        |

It can also create help files for Crossfire (see option --crossfire) or a user
defined language (udl) with auto completion for use with Notepad++ (--notepad).
The last command creates to files. One file is the auto completion file, which
should be copied into the plugins\APIs folder within your Notepad++ directory.
The other file, with a name ending with -udl, is the definition of the udl. To
import this file, start Notepad++ and choose Import in the udl dialog,
which can be found within the View menu. After next restart of Notepad++, you can
use the auto completion and syntax highlighting for your configuration files after
choosing the new udl at the language menu.

=head1 AUTHOR

Joachim Langenbach <langenbach@imw.tu-clausthal.de>


This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by TU Clausthal, Institut fuer Maschinenwesen.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991
