Changes to Flickr::API
1.18, 2015-08-12
* adding Flickr::API::Cameras
* adding t/08-cameras.t to test Cameras module
* replaced the STUB on POD with the intended text
* Merge in Pull Request from rjbs
1.17, 2015-08-04
* adding Flickr::API::Reflection
* adding t/07-reflection.t to test Reflection module
* Fixed typo per RT-106107
* moved from @ISA to use parent in and
* added call to and method _initialize to to support
inheritance in et. al.
* make import_storable_config more generic in
* make error_message a little prettier in
* invert changes for chronological convenience
1.16, 2015-07-17
* merged in horsepunchkid's $perms fixes. (API requires more explicit perms arguments)
* merged in horsepunchkid's fixes in examples/.
* fleshed out the $perms fixes, changed from warn to carp.
* Added to POD to reflect $perms fixes.
* Added tests to reflect $perms fixes.
* bumped version in prep for PAUSE upload.
* Removed some debugging leftovers
* bumped version
* Added 5.008 as minimum Perl version
* Moving from XML::Simple to XML::LibXML::Simple
* Remove example from automatically installing in scripts (Request 105426)
* move dump and make config scripts to bin and made them install-worthy (Request 105426)
* Clarified licenses in examples (Request 105426)
* Rename oauth_export_config to export_config and add ability to export
Flickr's native, if deprecated, configuration. Similar renames and
reasons for export_storable_config and import_storable_config.
* Added a hashref of the response content in addition to a tree
* Added a number of accessor methods to
* Made code a little more "Perl Best Practices"-ish
* Rename sign_args to _sign_args
1.12, 1.13, 2015-06-09
* Cleaned up minor bugs found by testers, improved kwalitee
* Clarified licensing
1.11, 2014-12-27
* Added OAuth authentication to Flickr::API and Flickr::API::Request
* Added some examples
1.08, 2013-06-19
* Various cleanup from Gabor Szabo
1.07, 2013-05-23
* Added flag to enable handling of native Unicode strings
1.06, 2013-05-11
* Added `lwpobj` argument, to allow using subclasses of LWP::UserAgent
1.05, 2012-09-12
* Updated Flickr API urls from to
1.04, 2009-08-25
* re-fix for perl5.6 - just require a newer version of HTTP::Message which supports
mime-decoding instead.
1.03, 2009-08-23
* fix for perl5.6 - when HTTP::Message->decoded_content() comes back empty,
use content() instead.
1.02, 2009-07-31
* license update for fedora
1.01, 2008-09-30
* incorrectly numbered the previous release. gah
* updated tests to work when the flickr api isn't hit-able
0.10, 2008-09-29
* Work correctly with latest XML::Parser::Lite::Tree (now requires 0.06)
* Added patch from Flavio Poletti to allow custom api & auth urls