Revision history for Perl extension Petal::Tiny

1.06      2014-06-28 09:53:19CEST+0200 Europe/Copenhagen
        - mocked CGI in regression test, since CGI moved out of core in 5.21+.
          Thanks, cpantesters!

1.05      2014-06-26 14:27:55+02:00 Europe/Copenhagen
        - added dynamic hash/array lookups and anonymous functions to resolve
        - added + feature to tal:attributes to append to existing attributes
        - changed distribution to Dist::Zilla

1.04	Fri Dec 28 17:26:49 MUT 2012
	- fixed it so that tal:content result is no longer interpolated

1.03	Fri May  4 12:04:00 MUT 2012
	- moved $VERSION from Makefile to module $VERSION

1.02	Mon Apr 23 23:06:19 MUT 2012
	- updated a bit of documentation

1.01	Sun Apr 22 01:13:01 MUT 2012
	- fixed tal:on-error bug

1.00	Sat Apr 21 23:11:28 MUT 2012
	- original release