Revision history for Perl extension Buffy

1.5 Sat Apr 28 15:56:29 CEST 2007
    - perltidy
    - move examples to examples directory
    - code cleanups
    - add META.yml and LICENSE
    - perlcritic test

1.4 Fri Sep  8 17:22:08 BST 2006
    - fixed broken POD
    - added POD test and POD coverage test
    - updated MANIFEST to include META.yml
    - made Makefile.PL unexecutable
    - perltidy
    - added 'use strict'. oh the irony

1.3 Wed Mar 27 13:44:23 GMT 2002
    - added extra newline 'cos CPAN wasn't finding the version

1.2 Sun Aug 12 12:52:17 BST 2001
    - merged in patch by Brian Ingerson which moved code
      to an import subroutine

1.1 Wed May 23 16:46:45 BST 2001
    - Changed name to Acme::Buffy

1.00 Sun Apr  1 13:20:37 BST 2001
	- original version