ChangeLog for Acme::Colour
1.03 Fri Sep 8 17:34:37 BST 2006
- added pod test and pod coverage test
- perltidy
1.02 Tue Sep 21 14:03:22 BST 2004
- renamed private methods to start with _
- documented the default method
- increased test coverage to 100%
1.01 Fri May 14 16:21:26 BST 2004
- regenerated with new Module::Build, which means the
Makefile.PL now contains Test::Exception
1.00 Sun Sep 28 17:50:26 BST 2003
- moved to Module::Build
- throw exceptions using Error when given unknown colours
0.20 Tue Aug 20 19:35:23 BST 2002
- require 5.6.1 as it runs out of memory for some
reason on 5.005_003 (spotted by Daniel)
0.19 Tue Jul 2 11:31:32 BST 2002
- Fix minor warning
0.18 Mon Jun 17 15:33:38 GMT 2002
- Minor doc patch and support for colour constants
by James Duncan
0.17 ?
0.16 Thu Apr 11 16:02:43 GMT 2002
- Fixed minor typo (thanks to Leo Lapworth)
0.15 ?
- First released version