Revision history for Perl module CPAN::WWW::Testers.
0.28 Thu Jun 16 14:44:35 BST 2005
- fix POD test errors
0.27 Thu Jun 9 16:31:53 BST 2005
- new page (and RSS) for recent reports
- new pages (and RSS) for author reports
- refactoring
- little orange RSS and YAML buttons (and autodiscovery of the RSS feeds)
0.26 Tue May 31 22:28:50 BST 2005
- use Path::Class
- use proper accessors
- only build the pages for distributions that have changed
0.25 Mon Apr 11 17:23:47 BST 2005
- use the date of the distribution for sorting reports
(now require Parse::BACKPAN::Packages)
0.24 Thu Feb 10 20:10:30 GMT 2005
- oops, I broke all CPANPLUSes, make the YAML file
backwards-compatible (sorry jos!)
- reverse order of RSS feeds
0.23 Thu Feb 3 15:27:41 GMT 2005
- include fragment IDs (thanks to Joseph Walton)
- now includes perl / OS version
- do more processing in Perl instead of TT
- examples/ expanded to give more
flexibility for execution
- added tests
- (thanks to Barbie)
0.22 Mon Sep 1 19:49:19 BST 2003
- new report_url with link to original email report
- RSS feeds thanks to patch by Iain Truskett
- more colourful PASSes/FAILes
0.21 Fri Aug 15 16:27:38 BST 2003
- include CSS file in distribution
- include distributions which contain an underscore
- thanks to Arthur Bergman, include mod_rewrite magic
0.20 Thu Aug 14 20:16:20 BST 2003
- split CPAN::WWW::Testers into CPAN::WWW::Testers::Generator
and this module, which now just present over the web
- make sure to HTML escape everything
- design update, now with CSS
- added a TODO
- sort using version, not Sort::Version
- output YAML files
- little history section
- link to
- link to the database download