Revision history for Perl module GraphViz.

0.10 Mon Mar  5 17:32:14 GMT 2001
	- now allow simple add_edge({$from => $to}) syntax
	  (idea by DJ Adams and Brian Ingerson)
	- much better documentation (especially on attributes)
	- new module Parse::RecDescent::GraphViz (and example) for
	  graphing Parse::RecDescent grammars (idea by Damian Conway)
	- new module XML::GraphViz (and example) for graphing XML
	- new module Data::GraphViz (and example) for graphing data
	- new example by Marcel Grunauer which graphs CPAN
	  tarball dependencies using ActiveState's package list (thanks
	  to Brian Ingerson too ;-)
	- new, better, testsuite
	- better quoting (especially in ports) to allow a greater range	
	  of characters
	- new undocumented (it may change) as_graph method, which
	  returns a graph object with the coordinates of nodes and edges

0.09 Fri Jan 12 15:50:17 GMT 2001
	- moved back to "dot" and "neato" from "dotneato"
	- now allow directed and undirected graphs
	- added GraphViz::No and GraphViz::Small subclasses
	  which aid in visualising the structure of large

0.08 Sun Dec  3 15:15:29 GMT 2000
	- minor patch to cope with DESTROY

0.07 Sun Oct  1 15:19:55 2000
	- new features: allows clusters and ports
	- includes the talk I gave on this at yapc::Europe 19100
	- many more examples (well, see the examples directory!),
	  including quite a few PNGs

0.06 Thu Aug 24 09:33:21 2000
	- better quoting of nodes and edges (they can now have 
	really wierd names)
	- new examples directory with "graphing subroutine
	cross-reference reports for Perl modules" and example graph to
	see what kind of things it can do

0.05 Wed Aug 18 13:12:25 2000
	- now use dotneato to layout the graphs and can now ouput in a
	variety of file formats

0.04 Wed Aug  9 16:14:35 2000
	- first released version