Revision history for Perl extension Image::Imlib2.
1.05 Thu Apr 7 16:55:01 GMT 2005
- added support for defeating caching, namely:
(Thanks to Tom Insam and Mark Fowler)
1.04 Thu Feb 3 15:27:41 GMT 2005
- Imlib2 1.1.2 broke our tests as it doesn't enable alpha by
default (for optimisation purposes). The module now enables
alpha by default when you create an image, but you can turn
it off with has_alpha (thanks to Don Armstrong)
- tested with Imlib2 1.2.0
1.03 Tue Jul 13 11:30:47 IST 2004
- fixed minor POD tyop
- new flip_horizontal, flip_vertical, flip_diagonal (thanks to
Tuomas Jormola)
1.02 Tue May 25 22:18:32 BST 2004
- renamed Changes to CHANGES
- new set_quality function (thanks to Andreas Plesner)
1.01 Mon Nov 3 19:18:14 GMT 2003
- document get_width and get_height methods (thanks to Andreas
- added NINJA support
1.00 Sun Sep 14 09:47:42 BST 2003
- applied patch to make the module work under threaded perls
(thanks to Mathieu Jondet, Andreas Plesner Jacobsen, zak3)
- applied patch to make the module work without X (spotted by
Mike Castle, Jens Gassmann)
- applied patch to pass the correct compiler flags (thanks to
Christian Laursen)
- bumped up to version 1.00
0.12 Sun Aug 31 16:07:52 BST 2003
- now use c_source to find ppport.h thanks to Mathieu Jondet
- use Build.PL's passthrough mechanism to generate the
- now report loading and saving errors, as suggested by
michael j pan
- added image_set_format thanks to Joel Rowbottom
0.11 Sun Mar 23 19:06:29 GMT 2003
- Added query_pixel thanks to Sebastian BoeBhm
- Changed test suite to use Test::More
- The module is now built with Module::Build
0.10 Mon Sep 16 15:57:04 BST 2002
- Added image_orientate, create_scaled_image
thanks to Joel Rowbottom
0.03 Sat Sep 7 10:00:06 BST 2002
- incorporate color ranges, polygons and updated docs
thanks to Theo Schlossnagle
- better warning if imlib2 hasn't been installed
0.02 Wed Aug 29 10:40:56 BST 2001
- mention that imlib2 is out. I intend to rewrite this with
Inline::C to make it more maintainable
0.01 Thu Oct 5 16:58:52 BST 2000
- released initial version