Revision history for Perl module Module::Packaged.

0.76 Tue Aug 24 16:14:25 BST 2004
  - removed dependency on Cache::Cache
  - updated the tests (maybe I should fix the test suite, eh?)

0.74 Thu Apr 22 17:17:21 BST 2004
  - resupport Gentoo (thanks to patch from Michael Cummings)
  - remove Perl6::Slurp dependency (sorry, too many deps)
  - make it work with Parse::CPAN::Packages 2.20 (oops)
  - added support for Fedora, Mandrake and SUSE
  - updated the tests

0.73 Thu Mar  4 09:33:38 GMT 2004
  - use Perl6::Slurp instead of File::Slurp
  - remove Gentoo support (the URL we were using is now a 404 and isn't easy to scrape)
  - report OpenBSD packages in 3.4 (3.2 is old now)
  - updated the tests
  - now use Parse::CPAN::Packages

0.72 Wed Jan  7 16:25:31 GMT 2004
  - a new version of Archive::Tar came out, update the tests

0.71 Mon Jan  5 16:14:32 GMT 2004
  - a new version of DBI came out, update the tests

0.67 Tue Nov 18 22:16:11 GMT 2003
  - added OpenBSD support (thanks to Richard Clamp, again)

0.54 Mon Nov 17 22:42:42 GMT 2003
  - added Debian support (thanks to Richard Clamp)
  - reworked caching

0.41 Mon Nov 17 17:55:35 GMT 2003
  - support FreeBSD too (thanks to Richard Clamp)
  - added NINJA support

0.34 Thu Nov 13 19:53:01 GMT 2003
  - initial release