Revision history for Perl module Net::Amazon::AWIS:

0.32 Sun Mar 19 17:25:57 GMT 2006
     - fixes as AWIS now requires using an AWS Access Key ID and a
       Secret Access Key to calculate a signature, and the web service URL
       and namespace URI have changed (patch by KCIVEY)

0.31 Thu Jul  7 09:32:57 BST 2005
     - fix due to XML namespace change, add a count option to crawl()
       (thanks to mah)
     - update the tests
     - added pod coverage test

0.30 Thu April 10 12:22:54 EST 2005
     - fix minor POD issue
     - oops, used DateTime::Format::StrpTime when I really meant
       DateTime::Format::Strptime (spotted by Mike Castle)

0.29 Thu Mar 17 22:42:04 EST 2005
     - initial release