Revision history for Perl module Net::Mosso::CloudFiles:
0.40 Tue Mar 17 11:15:28 GMT 2009
- Major rewrite to be more like Net::Amazon::S3
- Use new JSON request for listing objects - adding size, etag,
content_type and last_modified
0.35 Mon Feb 2 06:10:06 GMT 2009
- Reauthenticate when the authentication token expires
(after one hour)
- Return more than 10,000 objects by issuing multiple calls
(objects now returns a Data::Stream::Bulk object)
- Only do 990 keep alive requests per connection
- Add prefix as an option to objects
0.34 Tue Jan 13 15:37:27 GMT 2009
- Retry upon errors using LWP::UserAgent::Determined
- Make all the classes immutable
0.33 Tue Jan 13 09:04:11 GMT 2009
- Add getting and putting to files
- Prohibit UTF8 key names
- Change the default content type from text/plain to
0.32 Wed Oct 22 23:01:11 BST 2008
- First release