Revision history for Perl module Net::OpenDHT:
0.33 Mon May 1 10:44:28 BST 2006
- automatically find a close server via CoralCDN OASIS
0.32 Fri Jul 22 23:28:22 BST 2005
- set user agent to our $VERSION
- try and get another server if the current one goes away
0.31 Tue Jul 19 19:12:52 BST 2005
- include CHANGES in the manifest
- automatically find a topologically-close gateway to the DHT
0.30 Sat Jul 2 00:21:52 BST 2005
- mention XML::LibXML as a prereq (noticed by inkdroid)
0.29 Fri May 20 22:42:39 BST 2005
- first release