Revision history for Perl module Parse::BACKPAN::Packages:

0.36 Mon Nov 16 08:48:45 GMT 2009
  - add no_cache option (patch by Adriano Ferreira)
  - add an example program examples/ (patch by Adriano Ferreira)

0.35 Sat Jun 27 18:28:30 BST 2009
  - avoid warning when CPAN::DistnameInfo tails to get the dist
    (patch by Florian Ragwitz)

0.34 Thu Jan 15 19:54:40 GMT 2009
  - update the tests
  - perltidy
  - add proxy support (patch by JDHEDDEN)
  - amend distributions_by so that it returns an empty list if no
    author or a new author is passed (patch by BARBIE)
  - credit all authors/maintainers/release managers of a particular
    distribution (patch by BARBIE)
  - add a human-readable license
  - use warnings

0.33 Sun Jun  8 10:34:48 BST 2008
  - update the tests

0.32 Tue Jan 31 10:05:49 GMT 2006
  - update tests to show that I've passed Net::DAV::Server onto someone else

0.31 Tue Jul  5 00:48:46 BST 2005
  - we now cache the data for an hour using App::Cache

0.30 Thu Jun  9 16:27:36 BST 2005
  - added distributions_by method, which returns a list of distribution
    names representing all the distributions that an author has uploaded
  - added authors method
  - fix a bug where distributions was returning subdistributions too

0.29 Mon Apr 11 19:32:22 BST 2005
  - first release