Revision history for Perl module Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst:
0.40 Tue Aug 21 20:51:13 BST 2007
- external requests (as per last release) are now only allowed
if you set allow_external (sorry about that)
0.39 Sat Aug 4 08:01:38 BST 2007
- external requests are now allowed (patch by Edmund von der Burg)
- remove Build.PL
0.38 Sat Jun 30 14:07:24 BST 2007
- document and test that you can use URLs without schema
or hostname
- add debug screen error to test diagnostics (patch by
Jonathan Swartz)
- add basic authentication support (patch by Gareth Kirwan)
- add test for charset=utf-8 (patch by Chris Dolan)
- added CATALYST_SERVER mention in the documentation
(patch by Kieren Diment)
0.37 Tue Jun 6 08:54:07 BST 2006
- patch to follow LWP's $m->requests_redirectable() and small
docpatch (thanks to Daniel McBrearty)
- mention Catalyst::Test (thanks to guest)
0.36 Mon Apr 17 11:27:17 BST 2006
- perltidy
- Catalyst debug screens are now failures (thanks to Kieren Diment)
0.35 Tue Jan 22 17:06:00 GMT 2006
- handle redirects (patch by Mark Fowler)
0.33 Tue Jun 7 17:38:45 BST 2005
- we need at least version 1.04 of Test::WWW::Mechanize
(spotted by Jesse Vincent, patch by Shlomi Fish)
0.32 Tue May 3 16:14:40 BST 2005
- removed 'use Image::Size' in test, as spotted by SMPETERS
0.31 Sun Apr 17 10:30:18 BST 2005
- update for Catalyst 5.00
0.30 Fri Mar 25 04:34:50 GMT 2005
- add Test::WWW::Mechanize to prereqs
- remove useless "use URI"
- "borrow" lots of docs from Test::WWW::Mechanize
- Catalyst 4.30 adds support for HTTP::Request objects in
Catalyst::Test::request(), so use it (thanks to Christian Hansen)
0.29 Thu Mar 17 22:42:04 EST 2005
- initial release