Revision history for Perl module WWW::Gazetteer::FallingRain:
0.14 Sat Jan 29 11:11:43 CET 2005
- reworked and renamed as the database has moved from
0.13 Mon Oct 21 20:29:52 BST 2002
- update docs and tests to reflect new WWW::Gazetteer factory
0.12 Sat Oct 19 12:02:46 BST 2002
- after discussion with Philippe "BooK" Bruhat, have renamed the
module to WWW::Gazetteer::Calle and this is the first attempt
at a combined API
- now accept ISO country codes
- now return elevation
- renamed fetch() to find()
- find() now returns lists (or a listref in scalar context)
- more tests
0.11 Sun Sep 29 11:31:19 BST 2002
- fix scalar context bug
0.10 Sun Sep 29 10:37:11 BST 2002
- first released version