Revision history for Directory-Queue

1.1_2	Thu Aug 10 2001 (developer release - for testing purposes only)
	* Improved the speed of the purge() method for large queues.
	* Minimized the number of string copies required internally.
	* The get() and add() methods can now use a hash reference.
	* The schema can now define strings that are used by reference.
	* The module $VERSION variables now contain the package version.
	* Added the touch() method.

1.1	Mon May  2 2011
	* The purge() method is now more flexible.
	* Ported to systems that may return EEXIST instead of ENOTEMPTY.

1.0	Fri Aug 13 2010
	* Promoted to 1.0 after successful testing.

0.6	Thu Jul  8 2010
	* Ported to Windows (needs more testing).
	* Improved packaging and testing.

0.5	Mon Jun 21 2010
	* First version released in CPAN.