Revision history for Net-STOMP-Client

0.9.3	Tue Jul 20 2010
	* Rewrote the I/O layer to make it more robust.

0.9.2	Mon Jun  7 2010
	* The timeout option now allows the control of different operations
	  (such as waiting for the initial CONNECTED frame or waiting to
	  be able to send an outgoing frame) independently.
	* Added some UTF-8 support, see the Net::STOMP::Client::Frame
	  module documentation for more information.

0.9.1	Tue Jun  1 2010
	* Now performs a better socket cleanup when disconnecting.
	* Net::STOMP::Client->wait_for_frames() now handles more precisely
	  the timeout option: if integer, it should wait for at least this
	  number of seconds and should not block for more than this number
	  of seconds plus one.
	* All STOMP methods now support a timeout option that specifies the
	  maximum time that can be used to send the frame.

0.9	Mon Mar 29 2010
	* Net::STOMP::Client::Frame is now less strict about header names.
	* Net::STOMP::Client->new() now uses its timeout option to set the
	  IO::Socket::INET Timeout option (unless it already exists).

0.8	Mon Mar  1 2010
	* This module has been initially released on CPAN as Net::STOMP
	  but has later been renamed to Net::STOMP::Client to avoid a
	  naming conflict.